clouds coat the sky as the breeze carries the sound of churchbells

christmas eve, 2005: modern sculptures remind us of hurdles leaped.
moving swaying empty branches, mittens on your hands.
continue hiding how you feel. i'll keep hoping.
moments like spiders' feet tapping the shoulders of the ground
for attention. small fixed comets hesitant to move.
giant windows washed in sunlight, a town rejoices.
a great war fought on loose soil. we've grown
from our indiscretion. held on for hope.
hands gripped on anothers' at crucial times.
eagles losing the superbowl. friends' funerals.
i loved you growing up and then we lost touch
and i fell in love with somebody else but now
that you're back and she's gone, i'm really guilt-ridden
and all the other girls were really filler between you and her
but i honestly i thought i loved her more
than i ever did you and that's why i told you i did.
caught like a shirt on a hopped fence.
bench after bench, board after board,
the ocean a churning disaster of foam.
us? bees hiveless and giving up pieces
of ourselves for what we believe in.
october, 2008: phillies are world series champions.
remember when we were younger and we used to talk about
getting married as soon as philly won a championship?
"haha, guess we're never getting married!" we joked.
i was all alone at our favorite bar and our song came on.
lidge won us the world title on a strike-out and
i cried my eyes out at first for joy but soon after,
because i thought back to when the birds lost to new england
and how you teared up and it finally dawned on me
that maybe you really wanted me to propose after all
and you'd have half-jokingly pushed me too had philly won.
i thought back to that day at the sixers game
when that couple told us how he proposed
at a phillies game in the '93 playoffs.
november, 2008: you probably will not
even open the envelop but i'll be posting this
letter everywhere you might ever possibly stumble
because, even though you live a couple streets down,
you may as well live in the tombs of cairo and i'll be
in dante's inferno freezing my ass off, the same way
i froze in 11th grade that night when we were studying
for our midterm on dante's inferno and we finally had the moment
we'd been waiting our whole childhoods for and
there was no more pretending we didn't have
those feelings and i just couldn't say it and you broke
the silence with the loudest kiss anyone in history
never heard. one trillion raindrops replaced by shattering
diamond grace and glory! a universe of shadows turning
electric white and giving off their own heat and light! trumpets
heaven didn't know about playing at undiscovered corners
of the earth and every planet discovered or undiscovered!
the answer to every conundrum and ever paradox signed, sealed, and delivered to us by the being that god himself worships! endless armies
of ant and elephant marching in unison into an untold horizon!
a demand for time to stop and time -- full of fear -- doing so immediately!
these are the memories i miss. the virtues not aimed for
by the finest archers of all times and places. reserved for you!
symmetrical, perfect, pure, altruistic, righteous, beautiful!
the girl of my dreams, may i never wake up!
christmas eve, 2005: modern sculptures remind us of hurdles leaped.
moving swaying empty branches, mittens on your hands.
continue hiding how you feel. i'll keep hoping.
moments like spiders' feet tapping the shoulders of the ground
for attention. small fixed comets hesitant to move.
giant windows washed in sunlight, a town rejoices.
a great war fought on loose soil. we've grown
from our indiscretion. held on for hope.
hands gripped on anothers' at crucial times.
eagles losing the superbowl. friends' funerals.
i loved you growing up and then we lost touch
and i fell in love with somebody else but now
that you're back and she's gone, i'm really guilt-ridden
and all the other girls were really filler between you and her
but i honestly i thought i loved her more
than i ever did you and that's why i told you i did.
caught like a shirt on a hopped fence.
bench after bench, board after board,
the ocean a churning disaster of foam.
us? bees hiveless and giving up pieces
of ourselves for what we believe in.
october, 2008: phillies are world series champions.
remember when we were younger and we used to talk about
getting married as soon as philly won a championship?
"haha, guess we're never getting married!" we joked.
i was all alone at our favorite bar and our song came on.
lidge won us the world title on a strike-out and
i cried my eyes out at first for joy but soon after,
because i thought back to when the birds lost to new england
and how you teared up and it finally dawned on me
that maybe you really wanted me to propose after all
and you'd have half-jokingly pushed me too had philly won.
i thought back to that day at the sixers game
when that couple told us how he proposed
at a phillies game in the '93 playoffs.
november, 2008: you probably will not
even open the envelop but i'll be posting this
letter everywhere you might ever possibly stumble
because, even though you live a couple streets down,
you may as well live in the tombs of cairo and i'll be
in dante's inferno freezing my ass off, the same way
i froze in 11th grade that night when we were studying
for our midterm on dante's inferno and we finally had the moment
we'd been waiting our whole childhoods for and
there was no more pretending we didn't have
those feelings and i just couldn't say it and you broke
the silence with the loudest kiss anyone in history
never heard. one trillion raindrops replaced by shattering
diamond grace and glory! a universe of shadows turning
electric white and giving off their own heat and light! trumpets
heaven didn't know about playing at undiscovered corners
of the earth and every planet discovered or undiscovered!
the answer to every conundrum and ever paradox signed, sealed, and delivered to us by the being that god himself worships! endless armies
of ant and elephant marching in unison into an untold horizon!
a demand for time to stop and time -- full of fear -- doing so immediately!
these are the memories i miss. the virtues not aimed for
by the finest archers of all times and places. reserved for you!
symmetrical, perfect, pure, altruistic, righteous, beautiful!
the girl of my dreams, may i never wake up!
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