lungs become wings and we fly away, breathless because of the view

give me back my day
do not frown on me, please
i'm begging you for another chance
the water could be falling over your edge
i may never know
i can't get to you
no matter how hard i try
i'll never see your canyon
you run our world, you know
we sit anxiously
every morning waiting
for your generosity
billions pray to you
and don't even realize it
but you know it and
yet you're never happy
begrudgingly doing us favors
for nothing in return
you give us
more than faith
ever could
give me back my day
do not frown on me, please
i'm begging you for another chance
the water could be falling over your edge
i may never know
i can't get to you
no matter how hard i try
i'll never see your canyon
you run our world, you know
we sit anxiously
every morning waiting
for your generosity
billions pray to you
and don't even realize it
but you know it and
yet you're never happy
begrudgingly doing us favors
for nothing in return
you give us
more than faith
ever could