dr. wily's latest attempt at taking over the world (via sinister robots)

the corners of the room are folded and we've written our will on the floorboards that were unfortunate enough to be made into floorboards as opposed to paper in the great massacre of trees. the joists are collapsing and the only available oxygen is that being pumped in through the holes in the surround-sound speakers. the dilemma we're left with is, as we are slowly losing our hearing, will we thus lose our air supply? guess we'll never find out because we might simply just stop hearing the gusts in general and physiologically trick ourselves into thinking we're suffocating. oh, what a strange place to be stuck looking for answers to the questions posed by prayers. in fact, each picture is worth a thousand words and each of those words composes another question. the questions pose like we did in these pictures with smiles, but when the true reply is heard, all smiles will sink as did the ships of the natives of foreign dynasties who simply had so many questions in an age before pictures had been invented . . .