three-story houses strangely lack the depth you'd expect to find in one story

walden freemanwalden freeman Posts: 511
edited March 2008 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
dark green hallways are passages into the unknown tombs of runaway housepets.
a flavor circulating the blood that has forgetten to iron its appearance.
flattening notes display a paper bag sound as we breath fresh hot carbon dioxide back in through our faces and snicker at the thought of going through with life.
children making a mess out of noodles and glue write suicide notes for the elderly, as they intentionally kill them with kindness.
all aboard the glass trains of the new millenium, quiet as the conductors wave their hands, we lament.
knit light yellow sweaters and our palms sweat the salt water previously only found in the oceans we so rightly swim in.
target audiences trying in vain to swat away red laser circles that resemble the horror-movie eyes of werewolves.
we decline your offer!
a pleasant surprise awaits everyone on every doorstep ever made that still stands.
we repeat prayers in church, as if god did not hear us the first time. we mock the ever-present and all-powerful beings in our literature with human emotion, akin to offering the same amount of food to a brontosaurus as we might to a maggot.
all things considered, we are inconsiderate, and destined for success.
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