
I want to write a poem so engrossing,
That it's the last words whispered by every dusty old man lying in bed
And screamed by the young soldier cut down in his prime.
I want to write a poem so moving,
That it's the speech every guy uses in every movie to win the girl.
And when you hear it whispered under the cover of night, alone or with the one you love,
You feel a cool wave run down your back, and realize that your everyday life could be great.
I want to write a poem so inspiring
That it drives every action
From the nervous man confessing his love
To the deranged revolutionary firing his first shot against oppression.
I want to change the world
In a way so monumental and magnificent
That not only will no person ever be the same,
no atom, molecule, superstring, or wave of energy will exist as it did before.
I want to write a poem,
That actually expresses what's inside of me
And transcends written words.
That it's the last words whispered by every dusty old man lying in bed
And screamed by the young soldier cut down in his prime.
I want to write a poem so moving,
That it's the speech every guy uses in every movie to win the girl.
And when you hear it whispered under the cover of night, alone or with the one you love,
You feel a cool wave run down your back, and realize that your everyday life could be great.
I want to write a poem so inspiring
That it drives every action
From the nervous man confessing his love
To the deranged revolutionary firing his first shot against oppression.
I want to change the world
In a way so monumental and magnificent
That not only will no person ever be the same,
no atom, molecule, superstring, or wave of energy will exist as it did before.
I want to write a poem,
That actually expresses what's inside of me
And transcends written words.
"Ah, life is a gate, a way, a path to Paradise anyway, why not live for fun and joy and love or some sort of girl by a fireside, why not go to your desire and LAUGH..."