I loved her too much.

I came off as such.
A syrup agent.
But I was a gent.
I wrote her a song.
But it came out all wrong.
My heart was too strong.
Was love in my mind?
Was it that unkind?
I gave her a pipe.
She might as well smoke.
Me out of a bong.
I can't take her tripe.
I won't be here long.
A syrup agent.
But I was a gent.
I wrote her a song.
But it came out all wrong.
My heart was too strong.
Was love in my mind?
Was it that unkind?
I gave her a pipe.
She might as well smoke.
Me out of a bong.
I can't take her tripe.
I won't be here long.
Signed it, grind it.
Corroding and foreboding.
Corroding and foreboding.