"Does Pearl Jam Inspire You?"

Does Pearl Jam Inspire Me?.....
Pearl Jam gives me butterflies in my stomach .... the serious kind
Watched MSG Live DVD last night....through some very nice stereo speakers
It wasn't loud or anything....but all of me was vibrating.....
mind, body, spirit....BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
What the ??????
Realized what an effect Boomer has on the sound....gives it that all-around "together" sound and feeling....fills in all the cracks to make each song ...round
Ament's bass lines....No wonder he apparently easily nails Entwistle.
MMMMMMMMMMMMMmm.... anybody else get quivers somewhere along with Eddie's voice?
I mean, seriously!
I'm taking this Pearl Jam thing REAL SLOW
NON DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN.....I've never felt this way before....
Why am I in the pit in the first place?
No, Not to make fun of Jeremy's Spoken.
Because who else could understand such gushings?
No one I know.
I tried.
I got No Code from the library this weekend
JUST listened so far to just one song #13 Around the Bend
Now I'm sitting here all...............
Pearl Jam gives me butterflies in my stomach .... the serious kind
Watched MSG Live DVD last night....through some very nice stereo speakers
It wasn't loud or anything....but all of me was vibrating.....
mind, body, spirit....BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
What the ??????
Realized what an effect Boomer has on the sound....gives it that all-around "together" sound and feeling....fills in all the cracks to make each song ...round
Ament's bass lines....No wonder he apparently easily nails Entwistle.
MMMMMMMMMMMMMmm.... anybody else get quivers somewhere along with Eddie's voice?
I mean, seriously!
I'm taking this Pearl Jam thing REAL SLOW
NON DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN.....I've never felt this way before....
Why am I in the pit in the first place?
No, Not to make fun of Jeremy's Spoken.
Because who else could understand such gushings?
No one I know.
I tried.
I got No Code from the library this weekend
JUST listened so far to just one song #13 Around the Bend
Now I'm sitting here all...............