For Tomas

I wrote this piece for Tomas Young who is at the rehabilitation center here in Chicago recovering from a stroke he had when the VA attempted to kill him by giving him oxcotin after he complained of pain in his arm which turned out to be a blood clot that made its way to his heart and caused his brain to be without oxygen for a number of hours, resulting in his losing some of his speaking abilities as well as movement in his arms. However, Tomas is making a great recovery and is confident he will regain all movement in his arms and his full speaking abilities back as well. If you would like to send a letter to Tomas or would just like to stay updated on his case you can find his contact information on the Iraq Veterans Against the War website
And finally, here is the piece I wrote for one of my most powerful inspirations in the anti-war movement...
Young At Heart
Young at heart and strong in will
with a restless spirit they cannot kill.
Your struggle is a symbol of the pain that we all feel,
your sacrifice a testament to prove that Love is real.
The fire in your soul burns through the wounds of war
to remind us of the mindlessness of what we're fighting for.
A hero with no mask because he doesn't need to hide,
a warrior of Truth shining his Light so far and wide.
Speaking Peace from a pedestal without a hint of fear,
telling all the world exactly what they need to hear.
We believe that we will see an end to all this hate,
if we stand together we can create our own fate.
And finally, here is the piece I wrote for one of my most powerful inspirations in the anti-war movement...
Young At Heart
Young at heart and strong in will
with a restless spirit they cannot kill.
Your struggle is a symbol of the pain that we all feel,
your sacrifice a testament to prove that Love is real.
The fire in your soul burns through the wounds of war
to remind us of the mindlessness of what we're fighting for.
A hero with no mask because he doesn't need to hide,
a warrior of Truth shining his Light so far and wide.
Speaking Peace from a pedestal without a hint of fear,
telling all the world exactly what they need to hear.
We believe that we will see an end to all this hate,
if we stand together we can create our own fate.
"In this cause I too am prepared to die. There is no cause for which I am prepared to kill" -Gandhi
Iraq Veterans Against the War
Iraq Veterans Against the War