calling earth(mind Race)

GrasshopperGrasshopper Posts: 137
edited April 2008 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
calling earth... calling earth
what's a quarter worth
your not gonna listen to me anyways..
got a tone gotta tone
a signal and a zone
once blue and green now green and blue
something old ...something knew
something hollowed something skewed
each and every turn yea
we learn and we burn shit
shit and we yearn for it
that's what we bought right?
halleluyah holocaust
something borrowed something lost
make believe make belief..
tight wearing theif jumps down from the leaf
many chiefs many cheifs man
sold all the enjuns made them a big one
coorperate noose coorperate goose
face turnig blue
still bought you, thought you
built yourself a wall,
down comes all
the bricks and the tricks
treats and streets
gong rings on, on till were gone

red light misfit, red light disrict
fix it fix it
fix it and remix it
hang it on the cross that
hangs from your neck
don't crack the book just act like you know.
reach for the real
somethin you can feel, can you feel?

dig dig dig, you dig?
dig dig dig, you pig
This guy wouldn't know magesty if it bit him in the face- Strong bad
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