please stop

he shudders when he coughs
sometimes he spits up blood
for years he has battled
emphysema, pneumonia, and colon cancer
has an ulcer and uncontrollable bowels
he is weak and he is pale
and can barely walk to the end of the drive
to get the mail
yet he still sneaks out when he gets a chance
and drags down a cigarette
then sucks on a Halls to hide the scent
like nobody knows
last week they found two spots on his lung
not sure how long he has left in this world
and it's sad that he spends his days in such miserable health
he's a grandfather to my children
a real fine man and i enjoy him a lot
i just hate to see him like this
i know we all have challenges in life
a test to our faith
do you think you're above all this?
and how do you want to live out the end of your life?
or don't you really care?
sometimes science is the fact
it's not just the will of God
how do you want your child to see you?
how does this behavior fit in with your health and environmental conscience?
sure it's your right and it's your freedom
and i could pretend i didn't care
but i do
so please stop
sometimes he spits up blood
for years he has battled
emphysema, pneumonia, and colon cancer
has an ulcer and uncontrollable bowels
he is weak and he is pale
and can barely walk to the end of the drive
to get the mail
yet he still sneaks out when he gets a chance
and drags down a cigarette
then sucks on a Halls to hide the scent
like nobody knows
last week they found two spots on his lung
not sure how long he has left in this world
and it's sad that he spends his days in such miserable health
he's a grandfather to my children
a real fine man and i enjoy him a lot
i just hate to see him like this
i know we all have challenges in life
a test to our faith
do you think you're above all this?
and how do you want to live out the end of your life?
or don't you really care?
sometimes science is the fact
it's not just the will of God
how do you want your child to see you?
how does this behavior fit in with your health and environmental conscience?
sure it's your right and it's your freedom
and i could pretend i didn't care
but i do
so please stop