High Comedy Outside Rox. High

Left Gorgas Park as Roxborough High was letting out for the day.
Two friends parted ways, and I soon found myself between them, as the girl behind me says:
"See ya' later, you whore!"
Without pause, and not a break in her step, the other non-chalantly cocks her head back and to the left . . .
"Bye, ho!," she exclaims with a satisfactory smile.
I laughed, because it looked as if she were addressing me!
Good times!
Two friends parted ways, and I soon found myself between them, as the girl behind me says:
"See ya' later, you whore!"
Without pause, and not a break in her step, the other non-chalantly cocks her head back and to the left . . .
"Bye, ho!," she exclaims with a satisfactory smile.
I laughed, because it looked as if she were addressing me!
Good times!
"The legacy of Surrealism after 1968 must surely follow artists, writers, thinkers and activists who are committed to the power of the unconscious and to the imagination of other possible worlds."
- Alyce Mahon
- Alyce Mahon