The Big Chief and Me

This one takes it!
Where do I go and what do I do with this?
There we are . . . the master and me on a horse-driven carriage.
Up in some mountain-top, being taken somewhere --> maybe towards sanity <--> perhaps away from it?!
Waking up before reaching our final destination . . . the last stop on the open trail, I guess I didn't want to see how it all played out?
I do have the ability to wake myself from a dream . . .
I do recall, however, that my pet turkey (leash still attached to his/her elongated neck and somehow separated from me/us) tried desperately to catch up and climb aboard.
Pecking at the back bumper ferociously, the beautiful beast of a bird was none too pleased that we left it behind.
Funny thing . . . my only regret in awakening was that I didn't get to give my pet one last embrace.
Where do I go and what do I do with this?
There we are . . . the master and me on a horse-driven carriage.
Up in some mountain-top, being taken somewhere --> maybe towards sanity <--> perhaps away from it?!
Waking up before reaching our final destination . . . the last stop on the open trail, I guess I didn't want to see how it all played out?
I do have the ability to wake myself from a dream . . .
I do recall, however, that my pet turkey (leash still attached to his/her elongated neck and somehow separated from me/us) tried desperately to catch up and climb aboard.
Pecking at the back bumper ferociously, the beautiful beast of a bird was none too pleased that we left it behind.
Funny thing . . . my only regret in awakening was that I didn't get to give my pet one last embrace.
"The legacy of Surrealism after 1968 must surely follow artists, writers, thinkers and activists who are committed to the power of the unconscious and to the imagination of other possible worlds."
- Alyce Mahon
- Alyce Mahon