3 parts

Everyday I rise with a grin
Within minutes I'm dressed
the crisp air slaps my face
and a smile appears as the sun warms my red checks
today is different, today i am clear
the past is gone no point in sulking
and i laugh as i think about the tears
that cascaded off my face and pooled on my pillow
Hands grasp and voices beckon
I try to answer all the calls
minutes then hours
the hands spin like the merry go round
like the merry go round we once rode
but I don't think of that
in fact right now i'm too busy to think of you
without you playing with my mind
the day goes by like it used to
like it used to before you left
Unfortunately the tasks are complete
and my body aches
the sun is setting as i step outside
the path i traveled hours ago
is once again home to my thoughts
except once again they all lead back to you
the stars come out but they aren't as bright
they will never be as bright as the were
that night on the beach
you do remember that night?
how we laughed and kissed
how i held you when it got cold
i will never foget that night
not as long as the tears flow
a daily reminder of our day at the beach
and if i rise with a smile once again
you will know that i relived that night
in my dreams
Within minutes I'm dressed
the crisp air slaps my face
and a smile appears as the sun warms my red checks
today is different, today i am clear
the past is gone no point in sulking
and i laugh as i think about the tears
that cascaded off my face and pooled on my pillow
Hands grasp and voices beckon
I try to answer all the calls
minutes then hours
the hands spin like the merry go round
like the merry go round we once rode
but I don't think of that
in fact right now i'm too busy to think of you
without you playing with my mind
the day goes by like it used to
like it used to before you left
Unfortunately the tasks are complete
and my body aches
the sun is setting as i step outside
the path i traveled hours ago
is once again home to my thoughts
except once again they all lead back to you
the stars come out but they aren't as bright
they will never be as bright as the were
that night on the beach
you do remember that night?
how we laughed and kissed
how i held you when it got cold
i will never foget that night
not as long as the tears flow
a daily reminder of our day at the beach
and if i rise with a smile once again
you will know that i relived that night
in my dreams
"Don't lose your inner heat...ever" - EV 5/13/06