The happy Place

Where is your happy palce?
mine has always been within music
different sounds different voices
all the same messaage.
the same faith saves us all
the same hope keeps us going.
suck the life from each person in a different way,
but we all bleed the same.
we all need the same escape.
we all have our happoy place
we all have that place we hide in withinour minds
we all need to run need to hide
we all fear and seeth,
we all need
we all need one antiother.
this.. these people and what they do
(Pearl Jam)
they are where I go
they are my happy place.. my island
my freedomscape.
mine has always been within music
different sounds different voices
all the same messaage.
the same faith saves us all
the same hope keeps us going.
suck the life from each person in a different way,
but we all bleed the same.
we all need the same escape.
we all have our happoy place
we all have that place we hide in withinour minds
we all need to run need to hide
we all fear and seeth,
we all need
we all need one antiother.
this.. these people and what they do
(Pearl Jam)
they are where I go
they are my happy place.. my island
my freedomscape.