
( bear with the Ryhimng style. It's just how I write. This I wrote in 7th grade, for an English assignment.)
I have built four walls around me,
So tall they stretch the sky.
My only fear is,to step outside,
For I know that I would die.
Everyone has told me this,
And everyone speaks the truth.
You see I am but a liar,
And my lonliness steals my youth.
These walls I've built, are made of hate,
Of rage so pure you can't see.
For all of them that have brought me pain,
But mostly of hate for me.
For alone into this world I came,
And alone I fear I shall go.
I die a little more each day,
Seeking love I'll never know.
I am dying alone and desolate,
Furious in my bleeding rage.
I'm not like anyone else I know,
That's as well twelve years of age.
So I built four walls around me,
To hide from my pain.
And give me shelter from your looks,
Of pity, and compassion feigned.
I cry myself to sleep each night,
And often wonder why.
That behind these frigid walls of hate,
And alone I was born to die??????
But I guess that it's my destiny,
A truth waged sure by war.
That I was brought to earth to die,
And have wanted to since I was four.
No one can see through me,
For I'll never let them in.
My walls are to protect me,
From the weaknesses within.
I have wanted to be loved,
To be held a thought so sweet.
But all the pain that goes with love,
I'm better off to retreat.
So within my shelter I will stay,
This palce that I condone.
And swallow wicked, bitter breaths,
Til the day I die alone.
Tree Tomsen@1985
I have built four walls around me,
So tall they stretch the sky.
My only fear is,to step outside,
For I know that I would die.
Everyone has told me this,
And everyone speaks the truth.
You see I am but a liar,
And my lonliness steals my youth.
These walls I've built, are made of hate,
Of rage so pure you can't see.
For all of them that have brought me pain,
But mostly of hate for me.
For alone into this world I came,
And alone I fear I shall go.
I die a little more each day,
Seeking love I'll never know.
I am dying alone and desolate,
Furious in my bleeding rage.
I'm not like anyone else I know,
That's as well twelve years of age.
So I built four walls around me,
To hide from my pain.
And give me shelter from your looks,
Of pity, and compassion feigned.
I cry myself to sleep each night,
And often wonder why.
That behind these frigid walls of hate,
And alone I was born to die??????
But I guess that it's my destiny,
A truth waged sure by war.
That I was brought to earth to die,
And have wanted to since I was four.
No one can see through me,
For I'll never let them in.
My walls are to protect me,
From the weaknesses within.
I have wanted to be loved,
To be held a thought so sweet.
But all the pain that goes with love,
I'm better off to retreat.
So within my shelter I will stay,
This palce that I condone.
And swallow wicked, bitter breaths,
Til the day I die alone.
Tree Tomsen@1985