Sort it all out - Part One

The job was something new, exciting. After thinking about it for a few hours, Joe realised he had no idea what a Sorting Supervisor did, if the job had ever existed before, that is. He concluded that it hadn't when he was introduced to the sorting machine. It was almost as large as the room that accomodated it, stretching from one wall to the other. Joe was admiring the beast when his boss re-entered the room, bringing with him his first assignment on a table. The wheels squeaked as he rolled it toward a set of stairs that led up the right hand side of the machine to a large opening.
"This is all pretty simple."
Peter lifted the first tray of items from the table and proceeded up the stairs, balancing his weight against the stair rail as he went.
"You pour the items in this slot," He ran a commentary on his actions. "Don't worry about things breaking, its quite padded inside. The machine takes it from here."
Joe shifted his weight nervously as the giant machine hummed to life. "So what does it do exactly."
Peter came back down the stairs, dropping the empty tray back onto the table. "First, it scans the objects with a series of lasers, determining a number of things, from texture and consistency, to weight and density." He looked down at the computer on the desk in front of them, motioning toward it.
"After that a series of arms separate them into their different groups, then into each objects different composite parts. It can unscrew pieces, remove nails, unhook sections that are locked together with plastic clips. It's programmed with almost every object in the world, took thousands of manhours to achiever, but you name it, it can sort it."
Peter had his hands on his hips, staring intently at the screen. Messages flashed across the monitor as the machine sorted the items.
1 Compact Disc
4 USB Cables
2 Headphone Resize Jacks
5 Padlocks
2 Rubber Bands
The computer continued listing the names of the items as Peter walked to the left side of the machine.
"When they've been sorted, the items come out on the conveyor belt at this end in their own piles, labelled and ready to be boxed up. Thats part of your job."
"So I just oversee the machine and box up whatever comes out this end?"
"Thats right."
"So where did you get this machine?"
Peter looked up, his hands falling from his hips down to his sides. He just shook his head. "Well... I'll let you get on with it. All the items you have to sort are in the next room, each box in there has labels indicating the client, address, etcetera. I think that's all you have to know..."
Joe nodded. "All right. I'll get to it then."
Peter began to back out of the room. "My mobile number is next to the phone in the front room if you have any problems."
"You're not staying?"
"No, I have a heap of things to do today."
Joe nodded and Peter left, the double doors swinging lightly as he disappeared through them. Joe walked back to the computer desk and looked down at the monitor, putting a hand on the machine and leaning against it. He slipped, a section of blue paint peeling off under his palm. Under the paint there was another colour, and words. Whoever had repainted the machine had done a shoddy job. White stenciled lettering on a dark green background stared back at Joe. He peeled a little more paint off to fully reveal the words:
Stay tuned to see what happens next.
"This is all pretty simple."
Peter lifted the first tray of items from the table and proceeded up the stairs, balancing his weight against the stair rail as he went.
"You pour the items in this slot," He ran a commentary on his actions. "Don't worry about things breaking, its quite padded inside. The machine takes it from here."
Joe shifted his weight nervously as the giant machine hummed to life. "So what does it do exactly."
Peter came back down the stairs, dropping the empty tray back onto the table. "First, it scans the objects with a series of lasers, determining a number of things, from texture and consistency, to weight and density." He looked down at the computer on the desk in front of them, motioning toward it.
"After that a series of arms separate them into their different groups, then into each objects different composite parts. It can unscrew pieces, remove nails, unhook sections that are locked together with plastic clips. It's programmed with almost every object in the world, took thousands of manhours to achiever, but you name it, it can sort it."
Peter had his hands on his hips, staring intently at the screen. Messages flashed across the monitor as the machine sorted the items.
1 Compact Disc
4 USB Cables
2 Headphone Resize Jacks
5 Padlocks
2 Rubber Bands
The computer continued listing the names of the items as Peter walked to the left side of the machine.
"When they've been sorted, the items come out on the conveyor belt at this end in their own piles, labelled and ready to be boxed up. Thats part of your job."
"So I just oversee the machine and box up whatever comes out this end?"
"Thats right."
"So where did you get this machine?"
Peter looked up, his hands falling from his hips down to his sides. He just shook his head. "Well... I'll let you get on with it. All the items you have to sort are in the next room, each box in there has labels indicating the client, address, etcetera. I think that's all you have to know..."
Joe nodded. "All right. I'll get to it then."
Peter began to back out of the room. "My mobile number is next to the phone in the front room if you have any problems."
"You're not staying?"
"No, I have a heap of things to do today."
Joe nodded and Peter left, the double doors swinging lightly as he disappeared through them. Joe walked back to the computer desk and looked down at the monitor, putting a hand on the machine and leaning against it. He slipped, a section of blue paint peeling off under his palm. Under the paint there was another colour, and words. Whoever had repainted the machine had done a shoddy job. White stenciled lettering on a dark green background stared back at Joe. He peeled a little more paint off to fully reveal the words:
Stay tuned to see what happens next.
"this one, anytime I say love if you wanna say love, uh, say it, and if you say it you might as well say it loud, and if you don't feel like sayin' it, don't say it, but if you feel it, certainly say it..."
NOTE: Everything I write in the P,P&M section are intended to be songs, not poetry.
NOTE: Everything I write in the P,P&M section are intended to be songs, not poetry.
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NOTE: Everything I write in the P,P&M section are intended to be songs, not poetry.