New start starts with old ways

A shake of the head,... the second time this month he promised himself,...
things will be different,... he will be different,...
but this new start,... starts with old ways,...
he makes some-one cry,... some-one he loves,...
he spun her a lie,...... rather that than lay himself bare,....
always uncomfortable with who he is
good intentions change from the bad
ramifications,.... means he is alone again
when will he learn just when will he learn
he just wanted to be a peace with himself,...
but that road is devoid of her love
wanted a blank page to start again
no-more old stains
if it means you are gone with the old me
i'd rather continue the lies
but thats not fair on you
the fairest of all
these lies should never have been whispered
but they have the decent thing was to tell you
i'm so sorry i was so indecent
so sorry i lost you
please PM me i will tell you anything you want to know
this time i will noy lie
i'm so sorry i'm so sorry
things will be different,... he will be different,...
but this new start,... starts with old ways,...
he makes some-one cry,... some-one he loves,...
he spun her a lie,...... rather that than lay himself bare,....
always uncomfortable with who he is
good intentions change from the bad
ramifications,.... means he is alone again
when will he learn just when will he learn
he just wanted to be a peace with himself,...
but that road is devoid of her love
wanted a blank page to start again
no-more old stains
if it means you are gone with the old me
i'd rather continue the lies
but thats not fair on you
the fairest of all
these lies should never have been whispered
but they have the decent thing was to tell you
i'm so sorry i was so indecent
so sorry i lost you
please PM me i will tell you anything you want to know
this time i will noy lie
i'm so sorry i'm so sorry
used to be coded,
cause i got branded,
don't give two shits about labels,....
let me lay myself bare to you
oh by the way i'm off to fuckin paRIS!
cause i got branded,
don't give two shits about labels,....
let me lay myself bare to you
oh by the way i'm off to fuckin paRIS!
Post edited by Unknown User on
dude. two things... first, it's the internet. anyone assuming anyone else is telling the truth is just plain ole naive. or, they were, ha ha ha... second.... if you do lie, it's very hard to make the person you lied to believe the next one.
integrity begins with telling the truth and keeping your promises to yourself... don't forget that
you don't want to be with someone you had to lie to anyway...
what a mess...
beautiful poem..i hope you are okay.. sad poem...hope you have a happy ending...
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
... I'll ride the wave...where it takes me....
my life is one big dollop of poo
and slinging shit in anothers direction is unforgiverbul
cause i got branded,
don't give two shits about labels,....
let me lay myself bare to you
oh by the way i'm off to fuckin paRIS!
wow this sounds like you are talking about my life... weird...i hope we get better
yeah... you can't do that. but it doesn't mean you have to be all unforgiving towards yourself, either. 90% of lies are generated out of fear. and fear is normal, and even welcome in some cases, because it protects us. listen to your gut... was what you did that despicable? probably not. might've even been understandable.
either way... the toothpaste is outta the tube
time to walk on
good luck
(ps... dollop is a word that should only be used when talking about cool whip or sour cream... please don't use it this way ever ever again, lol...)
amen. i love how smart everyone is on here.
good intentions.. I can't count the times when my intentions have been good but when all's gone to hell still.. it happens to everyone I'm sure.
ahh, peace. lately (within the last few months) I've realised that I actually pretty much am at peace with myself. I've grown up a lot and I'm so happy for that!
a wise man once sang: "to myself I surrender/to the one I'll never please" he's right I think. I'm probably never gonna be pleased with everything I do and the way I act in some situations. but I can be at peace with myself and I think it's lovely. we can all find peace with ourselves but it might take time. and it might mean that we need to do some things we don't want to cause they're hard..
ah well, I think I'm rambling, so I'll just finish.
a lovely poem, very emotional, thank you for sharing!!
funny, i have never lied on the internet therefore i don't expect to be lied to. how much of a dork does that make me sound like?
but i know i am not naive and i hate to think the trust i put in people is misplaced. but if they have lied to me then they are the suckers, not me.
lies require too much thinking to keep them all straight anyway. honesty really is the best policy. now that i think about it, it's my only policy.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say