
Am I being Missunderstood,
Do I just look different,
Not like people think I should
Judged on looks,how I dress
They don't get it's just me,
With no need to impress
Personality lies within,
I think it's there...
That any judging should begin
Some one showing caracter,emotions and passions,
Mean much more to me
Then those just following fashion
Rading the paper...it told about people that can just rush by,
When an old man is robbed
And left there to die
If that is what happens when people only care about money and looking good.........
Then i am glad to be missunderstood
Thanks for reading it.:)
Do I just look different,
Not like people think I should
Judged on looks,how I dress
They don't get it's just me,
With no need to impress
Personality lies within,
I think it's there...
That any judging should begin
Some one showing caracter,emotions and passions,
Mean much more to me
Then those just following fashion
Rading the paper...it told about people that can just rush by,
When an old man is robbed
And left there to die
If that is what happens when people only care about money and looking good.........
Then i am glad to be missunderstood
Thanks for reading it.:)