"Staying the Course"

I just returned from Iraq. I've been walking around Germany for a week and reflecting on the past year of my life and how at the end of the day it all seemed so pointless. I thought about how people are becoming more and more against the war, and with good reason. I sat down and started writing; this is what I came up with. One years worth of pent up frustration, experiences and memories on one notebook page. I may add more to it later, but for now, this is it.
The drums sound to bombs in the background.
Dick Cheney's war has cost more than money could pay.
Yet two thousand lives they've put a price on.
The precious many who have died for a man's crude wealth.
I heard the president cried for another vote or two
at the bed of a legless man shot down because of this war.
Gunned down before the age of twenty-four.
Cut down for a war that noone voted for.
The cries for peace at home are drowned out
by the cash machine's automatic fire.
"Stay the course" I heard him say.
Against him we must be, because with him we are not.
The president will try for another year or two
at the expense of a man too young to be
shot down by a man whose name can't pronouce;
Yet the headstone will be given for "free".
Is it time for a change or is it just me.
The drums sound to bombs in the background.
Dick Cheney's war has cost more than money could pay.
Yet two thousand lives they've put a price on.
The precious many who have died for a man's crude wealth.
I heard the president cried for another vote or two
at the bed of a legless man shot down because of this war.
Gunned down before the age of twenty-four.
Cut down for a war that noone voted for.
The cries for peace at home are drowned out
by the cash machine's automatic fire.
"Stay the course" I heard him say.
Against him we must be, because with him we are not.
The president will try for another year or two
at the expense of a man too young to be
shot down by a man whose name can't pronouce;
Yet the headstone will be given for "free".
Is it time for a change or is it just me.