
Talk about love lost,
broken hearts and bones
so people will care or cry and see
what a beautiful and unique person
you supposedly bury inside,
when in fact your stories hold no tradgedy,
only cavities while gravity pulls you further down
into your self-made hole
that shields you from reality
and the fact that you're no deeper than puddle,
no more complex than a 500-piece puzzle,
no originality, rationality, or personality
to deal with true disaster.
broken hearts and bones
so people will care or cry and see
what a beautiful and unique person
you supposedly bury inside,
when in fact your stories hold no tradgedy,
only cavities while gravity pulls you further down
into your self-made hole
that shields you from reality
and the fact that you're no deeper than puddle,
no more complex than a 500-piece puzzle,
no originality, rationality, or personality
to deal with true disaster.