Guitars Vs. Women! Part 1

upinsmokeupinsmoke Posts: 10
edited November 2006 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
Why Guitars Are better Than Women

1. A guitar has a volume knob

2. If you break a guitar's G-string, it only costs $0.79 for a new one

3. You can make a guitar scream as loud as you want it to

4. You can unplug a guitar

5. You can finger a guitar for hours without it complaining it wants more

6. Other people can play your guitar without it getting upset

7. You can finger a guitar in public and get applause, not arrested

8. You can have a guitar any color you want and noone will care

9. If your guitar gets loose, you can just tighten up the strings

10. If your guitar doesn't make sounds you like, you can change pickups

11. You can use four fingers at a time on a guitar

12. If your guitar strings are too heavy, you can just get a lighter set

13. You can have a guitar professionally adjusted to *your* liking

14. If you scratch a guitar's back, it's unintentional, not required

15. You can go to a guitar shop and play all the guitars you want for free
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