My girl said she'll chop off my head B4 she treats me like a lollipop
....the next time I bring it up to her
I said so you want to go find a hot blond..ahhhh
who;s much in love with peter fonda
She said, "yep you're dreamin' if you'r e creamin' but if it gives ya life go for it cuz now you're dead
if you think I'm fonda head"
So I packed my backs for Jerzey shore
went looks babes who like blondes with hair
and don't mind or whine 'bout doin' time, down there
I found one, or two, ore three
that said, c'mon horndog won't ya dance with me
I fired up 440 hot rod 69' Chevy
and danced all night on thunder road
we found ectasy, fantasy, dreams fulfilled
as we all found joy and happiness in the the land of hope
and verility
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
My girl said she'll chop off my head B4 she treats me like a lollipop
....the next time I bring it up to her
I said so you want to go find a hot blond..ahhhh
who;s much in love with peter fonda
She said, "yep you're dreamin' if you'r e creamin' but if it gives ya life go for it cuz now you're dead
if you think I'm fonda head"
So I packed my backs for Jerzey shore
went looks babes who like blondes with hair
and don't mind or whine 'bout doin' time, down there
I found one, or two, ore three
that said, c'mon horndog won't ya dance with me
I fired up 440 hot rod 69' Chevy
and danced all night on thunder road
we found ectasy, fantasy, dreams fulfilled
as we all found joy and happiness in the the land of hope
and verility
Or, perhaps.....nibble me?
Nibble me
with your song
Nibble me softly
like I’m corn
on the cob
gazing at your knob
wondering if my teeth can turn it
into something somewhat like art
Nibble me
with your words
Nibble me swiftly
or make it last long
Nibble my ear
make my neck skin curl
Nibble my nips
make me your special girl
Nibble me till I can’t find my way home
Nibble me here
Nibble me there
Nibble me in my chair
Nibble me anywhere
Yes, I did mean virility, but no Edit here
So, I'll have nibble a bit here, and there
and to be fair to all your body, everywhere
do I dare
do I part you hair
do I nibble in places that're bare
do I nibble in places that're rare
do I nibble on your neck down to your toes
and where my lips seem to want to gow
and anywhere my lips
seem to wander, here and there, like tips n' hips
and mounds and curves
wherever the feeling moves
which by now is here and there and everywhere we dare to be bare
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
There's a certain silkiness
to the sunwashed
slickness of your
licks and kisses.
Artful, angelic angles,
acrobatics and sighs,
seeing colours, rainbows!
rising from your thighs.
Ooo, your taunting talk
is enough to tickle
tender pillows, pulled
down to please,
kinder on the knees,
all pleasure, with ease,
and teeth teasing
the tracks your
nails left on my back.
Somersault sweetness
in a salty summer swing,
all push and pulsating
in perfect places,
plush, ply, pink, poised...
Diving into desires,
feeding the lust
of our fires,
sinking down,
you take me higher.
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
It’s roaming delicious scent upon my fingertips
It’s the gentle caressing undressing
The luscious foreplay that seems to last all day
The colors of your lips
As the leave telling trails
of where they’ve been all over my body
they push my longer and higher
to fulfill your every desire
to be a bit naughty
with my lipstick-less lips
giving you back sweet kisses
up n’ down n’ around your quivering body
Nourishing and feeding the now roaring fires
Heating and beating or burning lust
Not stopping till we’re spent n’ had enuff
Catching our breath and then
rising up do it all over again
Just apply some more colorful luscious lipstick
Yeah! that sensual look will always do the trick
And you’ll have my wandering lips
And tongue to kiss till your bliss, and lick lick lick
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Mmmm, but lips laced with licks
play multiple tricks,
reapplication's not needed
as this lust's deep seeded,
and the taste of your sweat's
enough to make them wet.
Pushes and pants *unh*
falling to the floor,
your motor's running hot
let me cool you to the core,
I see you at the brink,
I feel you wanting more
so I tease you and taunt you,
never know what's in store!
You squirm and you pull,
and my mouth is so full,
I look up to meet your eyes
there is no (brilliant )disguise,
I feel the urgent hunger,
a swelling spell I'm under.
You're almost at the boiling point
so, I must break to smile,
I think I'd like to hop on
and kiss your lips awhile.
Ooo baby, not to fast just yet,
sleek and slow's my style,
the rythym will pick up in time
I want you to go that extra mile!
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
I love the taste of yourLuscious Lipstick
It’s fresh colorful taste upon my lips
Its roaming delicious scent upon my fingertips
It’s the gentle caressing undressing
The luscious foreplay that seems to last all day
and long into the coming night
The colors of your lips
As they leave telling rainbow trails,
of where they’ve been all over my body
they push me longer and higher
to fulfill your every desire
to be a bit naughty
with my lipstickless lips
giving you back sweet kisses
up n’ down n’ around your quivering body
Nourishing and feeding the now fluorishing fires
Heating and beating and driving our burning lust
Not stopping till we’re spent n’ enuff
time on your bust n' muff
I'm always gentle n' never too rough
you beg to stop but I call your bluff
and give you more
than just sex and love to never end
Catching our breath to do all over again
Just apply some more luscious lipstick
Yeah, that sensual look will always to the trick
And you’ll have my wandering lips
And tongue to kiss till your bliss, lick lick lick
Your sweet luscious lipstick
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
I actually quite enjoy Being Naughty! It's fun!!!! How'd ya like The Boss reference in my last installment?? I added that for your viewing pleasure. Now, my break is over, better get my clothes back on and get back to the grind???:)??? A-tee, a-hee! I'll cum on back later and see if things have heated up. LOL!
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
Mmmm, but lips laced with licks
play multiple tricks,
reapplication's not needed
as this lust's deep seeded,
and the taste of your sweat's
enough to make them wet.
Pushes and pants *unh*
falling to the floor,
your motor's running hot
let me cool you to the core,
I see you at the brink,
I feel you wanting more
so I tease you and taunt you,
never know what's in store!
You squirm and you pull,
and my mouth is so full,
I look up to meet your eyes
there is no (brilliant )disguise,
I feel the urgent hunger,
a swelling spell I'm under.
You're almost at the boiling point
so, I must break to smile,
I think I'd like to hop on
and kiss your lips awhile.
Ooo baby, not to fast just yet,
sleek and slow's my style,
the rythym will pick up in time
I want you to go that extra mile!
Oooooohhhh baby…mmmmmmmmmm
Your lips taste like a raspberry smoothie
And get my motor hummin’ hot
my guitar neck strummin’
wantin’ desirin’, all you’ve got
and from the looks you’re givin’ me grl
you’ve got one burnin’ burnin, lot
who’s given me more than just a wink & a thought
Slow you like it, slow you’ve got
We’re findin’ our rhythm
We’re findin’ our beat
Our radiaotors' water workin' overtime
to exchange our heat
Our bodies are in fine tune
as we shot for the moon
With our new wide tires n' mag rim lugs
Our sparks fly from our hot-runnin’ plugs
My oil is bit slick, your scent does trick
Along with your sweet tasting lips
And my roamin’ fingertips
Down your back
And ‘cross your hips
My lips slide down your neck
Don’t stop now girl, I’ll be a wreck
Our bodies intertwine, mine in yours, yours in mine
We’re in the groove girl, now it’s your move
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
I actually quite enjoy Being Naughty! It's fun!!!! How'd ya like The Boss reference in my last installment?? I added that for your viewing pleasure. Now, my break is over, better get my clothes back on and get back to the grind???:)??? A-tee, a-hee! I'll cum on back later and see if things have heated up. LOL!
I think everyone has a "Naughty Streak" right, if they don't they should seek to discover where it's hiding, and release once or twice or thrice a day;)
Yes, The Boss ref...I did notice. You know My Best is Never Good enuff but as long you keep The Rising up, then it'll never turn us horny little devils to dust, only lust, and desires to the body n' soul higher. So Naughty Girl, Light My Fire and we''d drive our erotica poetica a panty notch or two higher, or lower, lickety split! Yeah! I better take a shower now;)
See ya next break
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
close the shudders
while I shudder,
and my knees
they's like budder,
slippin' n slidin',
we're just arrivin',
quivers and shakes
no time to waste,
(your taste
is still
supple and soft,
a sweet glide,
a sweet landing,
oh my,
just wait
I see you're still standing!
Shhh, come quick,
before they think we're lost,
let's get it on again,
before we get off!
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
Just drop the pants
and I'll be there,
gettin' you to blast off
then on again my friend
Quickie afternoon delights
on Eddie and co's site
will put them on the fans in Paradise
if only for a minutes of view
so let's do it lickety split
while I enjoy all of you
and fans enjoy the view
while they wish they were me, or you
Yes, a short sweet sensual glide
A quiver, a shake, no kiss to late
A quick yet long surfing ride to shore
wanting, wanting, later., much, much more
(your lingering taste in still on my tongue too,
all luscious loviong sensual parrs of you )
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Baby I wanna be your naughty boy
Baby I wanna be your love and joy
I know the difference between sex and love
When we have them both girl
There’s nothin’ better in this whole world
Baby I wanna be your naughty boy
Come here girl, now don’t be coy
Play with me baby, I’ll be your fav’rite toy
I wanna be your pride and joy
Let’s be in love babe
And show the world
It’s much more that gettin’ laid
Baby I wanna be your naughty boy
Baby I wanna be your love and joy
I don't have much to give you
in the way of material things.
But then, I have never been a material person . . .
so it wouldn't matter much anyway.
I do have something to give you, though . . .
and I hope you accept this gift with joy.
I have chosen not to wrap it . . .
I want it to be presented to you
as pristine as can be.
And anyway, decorations or wrappings would
certainly ruin the effect.
And so it is . . . that I stand before you . . .
unclothed, but surprisingly, unashamed
of my nakedness.
You have already captured a piece of my heart,
and you have captivated my soul.
The only thing left for me to present to you
is my very being . . . and I do that willingly,
happily, and most of all . . . lovingly.
Standing before you . . . watching your every movement . . .
seeing the desire in your eyes
for the very first time.
I don't believe in all of my life,
I have ever witnessed a moment
as beautiful as this.
Neither one of us can speak . . .
and we are finding, even breathing, is difficult.
Your heartbeat is pounding out a rhythm
that almost assaults my ears.
I can hear it from where I stand across from you . . .
and every beat speaks of your love for me.
I am giving you this gift tonight,
because I desperately want you to look inside.
I want you to open this package that I offer you,
slowly . . . lovingly . . . sensuously . . .
and search for what lies within.
You don't have to look far, you know . . .
everything I feel for you is just below the surface.
So it shouldn't take long for you
to discover the beauty awaiting you there.
Go ahead . . . open this gift as a child would
on a snowy Christmas morning . . .
in a hurried fashion . . . rather like a frenzy, if you will.
But once that initial gift is opened . . .
and the passion subsides . . .
Please promise me
that this gift I give you . . .
this gift of myself . . .
is only just the beginning.
i need a baseball bat... i'm gonna trash this office... these people... they're fuckin' with my head... i can't move... they left me here... strapped to this bed... it's not a thought... inside my head... those little voices... they're talkin' to me....
selene vigil
It looks like I've met my poetic erotiica matches
They like twirl around poles, and I like kissing snatches
There's nothing on the door to keep out teh viewers
and some whine and complain like the Milwaukie Brewers
We're creative cyber souls
who found a way to erotically play
and make us feel like scoring goals
some may want us to go underground
and make our loving sounds
in a hole like moles
Yet we're exhibitionists, actually like entertainers on a stage
We're like actors, musicians with instruments to play
We like to play our parts and tune our guitar strings
and see what lovely gifts our creative minds can do
when let out of a censored cage
So, we have a room, maybe a secluded beach with a view
but sit and dream up ways to get cyber laid
So audience just be glad we enjoy this sensual stuff
and don't charge you so we'd get paid
Enuff said
It's time to cumtinue the fun
The play never stops
cuz we've always got poppin' fresh buns
I look deep in your eyes.
I see there what I feel inside.
We share something between us,
Neither one of us can hide.
I feel your lips touch mine,
I loose all my control,
All it took was a look and a kiss,
To know you were part of my soul.
I see your hands on my skin,
I want and need you to do more,
The passionate look you give me,
Tells me heaven is in store.
I feel your need against my thigh,
I know you will fulfill every wish,.
We were made to fit together,
And all it took was a look and a kiss.
I look deep in your eyes,
And I see heaven there inside,
You make me feel so beautiful,
What I feel for you I cannot hide.
i need a baseball bat... i'm gonna trash this office... these people... they're fuckin' with my head... i can't move... they left me here... strapped to this bed... it's not a thought... inside my head... those little voices... they're talkin' to me....
selene vigil
As we power glide into the first hairy curve
We’ll enjoy each and every bump in the road
And if we run into barriers we’ll be ready to swerve
You said you were good, and a bit of a purv
Ooooooh baby, you’re steeling my nerves
So let’s bump up the speed
And fulfill each others’ needs
You can light me up when you pass me your seeds
I only toke if it’s passed to me, I’ll take your lead
Give me a warnin’ if I’m speedin’ too fast
Your thighs are tight on the throttle
Let’s hold back if you’re not ready to shake your ass
As I work past your knees
I;’m beggin’ for mercy, pleeeeeazzzz
Let’s slow up, and get ready to go down
As I want to make,
Each glorious moment last, and enjoy our sounds
Silently she awakes and gazes upon him there.
She sees him sleeping peacefully and longs to hold him near.
She reaches out her trembling hand to gently touch his face.
Remembering short hours ago, sharing love's embrace.
He stirs just then and spies her tender. loving stare.
Then places his hand over hers, stunned at the extent of her care.
Their eyes never leave each other as she caresses his soft skin.
She smiles at him slightly as she moves closer to him.
He takes her in his arms placing a kiss upon her cheek.
She turns her head slowly, his lips for her to seek.
A subtle moan escapes her as his hand explores anew.
Passions kiss intensifies as their rhythmic dance ensues.
He proclaims his love for her as he kisses her wanting neck.
She moves her hands over him finally to rest upon his chest.
Feeling her velvet secret engulf him again and again,
And feels her building climax escaping from her then.
She arches back, catches his eyes adoring their allure.
As they reach their perfect harmony, together once more.
i need a baseball bat... i'm gonna trash this office... these people... they're fuckin' with my head... i can't move... they left me here... strapped to this bed... it's not a thought... inside my head... those little voices... they're talkin' to me....
selene vigil
From out of the blue
comes Marjo with a mission in mind
in need a playful cyber naughty boy
with big boy's toy that she wants to fondle
Can I handle all this reaction
all this action
depends on what I'm packin'
A 22 or a 44, give rubber bullets n' more
so blanks I not ever be shootin'
'or something with quadruple action
a machine gun with a gattling ram
cuz damn! from here, the view is not blue
I can tangle with one, have some sensual fun
then along came two, and we had more to do
more to view, more to respond, be fond
then came three and I was Enlilghtened I be
Now we have four, please give me some more
I'll just load up my boat with more solar n fuel cells not dino gas
and put the metal to petal, and throttle my ass
in this turbo-charged boat on this voyage to make it last n' last
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
who knew such hot threads existed in the poetry forum? hehe. i checked into it the other evening and read a few, errr, submissions. well done. poetry beyond the romantic......:D
who knew such hot threads existed in the poetry forum? hehe. i checked into it the other evening and read a few, errr, submissions. well done. poetry beyond the romantic......:D
Yes dreamer....all submission are welcome, no permission needed, we have loads positions we haven't even dreamed if your visions of baring your poetic erotic self for all to enjoy like their fave toys, then ENTER the Poetica Eritica Errogenous Zone and live life cat n' a dog with a bone.
We can be romantic too.....check out the view of the "Let Love Shine" thread, and when one can mix sensuality with romatic ertocism and sweet sweet love, they aren't no other of heaven's gifts from above that fit as well as a man's hands and a velvet glove.
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
I look deep in your eyes.
I see there what I feel inside.
We share something between us,
Neither one of us can hide.
I feel your lips touch mine,
I loose all my control,
All it took was a look and a kiss,
To know you were part of my soul.
I see your hands on my skin,
I want and need you to do more,
The passionate look you give me,
Tells me heaven is in store.
I feel your need against my thigh,
I know you will fulfill every wish,.
We were made to fit together,
And all it took was a look and a kiss.
I look deep in your eyes,
And I see heaven there inside,
You make me feel so beautiful,
What I feel for you I cannot hide.
Has anyone seen a big boulder or a rock
something I can hide in while the waves and shocks subside
I can try to fulfill every wish and fill your soul with bliss
and savor every sweet delicious kiss
Yet I need to let you know that I was born to be shared, not paired
Everyone is beautiful, deep, deep inside
Everyone has the power to make their own land
with their own hands
of hope and dreams
Everyone can truly find Paradise
all they need to do, is look inside
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
I had no idea that some of my words
would have an effect, I coudn't have guessed or bet
that so many birds would to sing
and explore what naughty boyz n' girlz can bring
from the cradle to the grave
we live with the bed of roses that we make
It's a soft bed
with satin sheets and down pillows
no weepiong willows
just dreams of lust n' love
from our images thru words in our heads
flowing thru our hearts thru our fingers
and sung with spunk by daring dashing flashing singers
It's all good, if it makes everyone feel fine
Now lets all share a bottle of red or chardonnay wine
and pen our thoughts and release the knots
with a cyber bump n' a grind
Just don't anyone get stuck
and think this just a cyber funk
we'll pull out all the goodies from our trunk
get loose, and the juice flow
and find happiness with kisses
that bring smiles to our faces
while we get to know, each other
and not anyone smother the sensous fun
so let down your hair, put your dancin' shoes
and romance the stone
and find each others' erogenous zones
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Baby, let me be your dirty laundry
You can separate me into nice little piles
While I spread myself all over your and adorn you with smiles
‘stead of just shovin’ all of me into big big load
You can do the colors first
Then quench your thirst with the all-white stuff
Just don’t stop, till you get enuff
You can soap me all up with big bubbly suds
You can bleach me and get out all my stains n’ mud
You know from my scent that I’m not spent,
And never a bore or a dud
When I’m wet and soaked
You can put me on spin dry
Till I’m dizzy in the head
And get me ready to twirl gain
You can make me all squeaky clean
Make my head shine with a sheen
And when I’m all spun ‘round n’ round
Makin’ high pitched moaning sounds
You can turn the dial for a have load
Then you can take me out and shake me all about
You wanna, I wanna SRCEAM that we used SHOUT
Then you can toss my in your dryer
Spin the clock and take us higher
Turn on the gas and light our fire
And give me some more of your heat
Make me give up my water
Every drop of sweat till I’m all fluff in the buff
When you think I’m all butt done
You hang me out dry some more in the sun
Then you can take me out, wear me till I’m dirty again
So you can clean my body over again, my sensual flirty friend
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
From out of the blue
comes Marjo with a mission in mind
in need a playful cyber naughty boy
with big boy's toy that she wants to fondle
Can I handle all this reaction
all this action
depends on what I'm packin'
A 22 or a 44, give rubber bullets n' more
so blanks I not ever be shootin'
'or something with quadruple action
a machine gun with a gattling ram
cuz damn! from here, the view is not blue
I can tangle with one, have some sensual fun
then along came two, and we had more to do
more to view, more to respond, be fond
then came three and I was Enlilghtened I be
Now we have four, please give me some more
I'll just load up my boat with more solar n fuel cells not dino gas
and put the metal to petal, and throttle my ass
in this turbo-charged boat on this voyage to make it last n' last
The first time we touched, you held me so tight
that feeling I felt only felt so right.
Things were moving kind of fast and I felt ashamed
You made me feel so comfortable
and said no one is to blame.
You made love to me that night and also the next day
Things went fast I wondered what you would say,
You didn't say a word just held my hand,
That made me feel closer to you
you were that perfect gentleman.
We are miles apart and I wonder when I will see you again,
I can't wait till I kiss you, hold you,
and just see you.... my friend.
i need a baseball bat... i'm gonna trash this office... these people... they're fuckin' with my head... i can't move... they left me here... strapped to this bed... it's not a thought... inside my head... those little voices... they're talkin' to me....
selene vigil
So, what you're sayin' is
our makin' love was bliss
and you want another kiss. like this
you want another dance
another chance, to make romance
You kow I can put on dancin' shoes
and dance till well after midnight
by the light of the moon
We'll have a party and invite Crazey Janey
Wild Bill and walk up strawberry hill
and commence the thrills
ooooohh baby, you're givin' me chills
make love in the dirt
rip off our pants'
rip off our shirts
We'll be Enlightened, wth a California Girl
and Bu2 will join in
as we all get skin-to-skin
have a party in the tunnel of love
and enjoy all that heaven will allow from above
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
So, what you're sayin' is
our makin' love was bliss
and you want another kiss. like this
you want another dance
another chance, to make romance
You kow I can put on dancin' shoes
and dance till well after midnight
by the light of the moon
We'll have a party and invite Crazey Janey
Wild Bill and walk up strawberry hill
and commence the thrills
ooooohh baby, you're givin' me chills
make love in the dirt
rip off our pants'
rip off our shirts
We'll be Enlightened, wth a California Girl
and Bu2 will join in
as we all get skin-to-skin
have a party in the tunnel of love
and enjoy all that heaven will allow from above
a pact to share
i made it & i'll dare
but one on one
just me n' you
behind the sun
i need a baseball bat... i'm gonna trash this office... these people... they're fuckin' with my head... i can't move... they left me here... strapped to this bed... it's not a thought... inside my head... those little voices... they're talkin' to me....
selene vigil
okay a pact we'll share
we'll do what we do in public view
if we dare to be so bold
erotic duets are nice
filled sensual kisses
on flesh n' bone
will that suffice
that we fill these pages
with erotic Paradise
yes the sun may burn
and the moon my yearn
that which spriings to life
will another page to turn
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
So suddenly!
You are everywhere
You kiss my breasts
I feel your stubble
Upon my soft skin
Erotic, slow, intense
So softly!
You stroke my waiting body
And I feel your mouth upon mine
So lovingly
Your hands caress me
So suddenly!
I sense you
Feel you, see you
Far above me
Beautiful you--
Endless waves of love
Pass between us
And a great hot swelling
Fills my body, soul and mind
With sensual joy
At your presence
Indescribable passion
Joy beyond knowing
As high and swift and strong
You love me inexorably--
High and swift and strong
We ride together to that special
Place of endless joy
Making love all night long--
Suddenly but not too fast
I want to make each precious delicious moment last
Your breasts are sweeter than any peaches I’ve tasted
My stubble gentle stimulates your desire
As we embrace and taste each others face
Your soft skin against mine
Like a gentle breeze in the trees
Sliding so effortlessly across the leaves
Down the sides of your neck, your back
Your hips, my lips
‘cross the even softer skin of your inner thighs
With each movement in perfect rhythm, new highs
as our bodes move as one, from your lipst to your toes
our love making knows no end my sensual passonate friend
Our passion, our joy, my stiffness, your softnes
Our embraces, arm in arm hands in palm, tongue against tongue
Tongue against skin, pink and beckoning for its release
In an enduring moment of heated passion
Our bodies and minds and souls, let it all go
As we take that magical mystical erotic ride to Paradise
That's what I see when I look into you big beautiful blue eyes
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Suddenly but not too fast
I want to make each precious delicious moment last
Your breasts are sweeter than any peaches I’ve tasted
My stubble gentle stimulates your desire
As we embrace and taste each others face
Your soft skin against mine
Like a gentle breeze in the trees
Sliding so effortlessly across the leaves
Down the sides of your neck, your back
Your hips, my lips
‘cross the even softer skin of your inner thighs
With each movement in perfect rhythm, new highs
as our bodees move as one, from your lip to your toes
our love making knows no end my sensual passonate friend
Our passion, our joy, my stiffness, your softnes
Our embraces, arm in arm hands in palm, tongue against tongue
Tongue against skin, pink and beckoning for its release
In an enduring moment of heated passion
Our bodies and minds and souls, let it all go
As we take that magical mystical erotic ride to Paradise
That's what I see when I look into you big beautiful blue eyes
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
....the next time I bring it up to her
I said so you want to go find a hot blond..ahhhh
who;s much in love with peter fonda
She said, "yep you're dreamin' if you'r e creamin' but if it gives ya life go for it cuz now you're dead
if you think I'm fonda head"
So I packed my backs for Jerzey shore
went looks babes who like blondes with hair
and don't mind or whine 'bout doin' time, down there
I found one, or two, ore three
that said, c'mon horndog won't ya dance with me
I fired up 440 hot rod 69' Chevy
and danced all night on thunder road
we found ectasy, fantasy, dreams fulfilled
as we all found joy and happiness in the the land of hope
and verility
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Or, perhaps.....nibble me?
Nibble me
with your song
Nibble me softly
like I’m corn
on the cob
gazing at your knob
wondering if my teeth can turn it
into something somewhat like art
Nibble me
with your words
Nibble me swiftly
or make it last long
Nibble my ear
make my neck skin curl
Nibble my nips
make me your special girl
Nibble me till I can’t find my way home
Nibble me here
Nibble me there
Nibble me in my chair
Nibble me anywhere
So, I'll have nibble a bit here, and there
and to be fair to all your body, everywhere
do I dare
do I part you hair
do I nibble in places that're bare
do I nibble in places that're rare
do I nibble on your neck down to your toes
and where my lips seem to want to gow
and anywhere my lips
seem to wander, here and there, like tips n' hips
and mounds and curves
wherever the feeling moves
which by now is here and there and everywhere we dare to be bare
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
There's a certain silkiness
to the sunwashed
slickness of your
licks and kisses.
Artful, angelic angles,
acrobatics and sighs,
seeing colours, rainbows!
rising from your thighs.
Ooo, your taunting talk
is enough to tickle
tender pillows, pulled
down to please,
kinder on the knees,
all pleasure, with ease,
and teeth teasing
the tracks your
nails left on my back.
Somersault sweetness
in a salty summer swing,
all push and pulsating
in perfect places,
plush, ply, pink, poised...
Diving into desires,
feeding the lust
of our fires,
sinking down,
you take me higher.
It’s the gentle caressing undressing
The luscious foreplay that seems to last all day
The colors of your lips
As the leave telling trails
of where they’ve been all over my body
they push my longer and higher
to fulfill your every desire
to be a bit naughty
with my lipstick-less lips
giving you back sweet kisses
up n’ down n’ around your quivering body
Nourishing and feeding the now roaring fires
Heating and beating or burning lust
Not stopping till we’re spent n’ had enuff
Catching our breath and then
rising up do it all over again
Just apply some more colorful luscious lipstick
Yeah! that sensual look will always do the trick
And you’ll have my wandering lips
And tongue to kiss till your bliss, and lick lick lick
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
play multiple tricks,
reapplication's not needed
as this lust's deep seeded,
and the taste of your sweat's
enough to make them wet.
Pushes and pants *unh*
falling to the floor,
your motor's running hot
let me cool you to the core,
I see you at the brink,
I feel you wanting more
so I tease you and taunt you,
never know what's in store!
You squirm and you pull,
and my mouth is so full,
I look up to meet your eyes
there is no (brilliant
I feel the urgent hunger,
a swelling spell I'm under.
You're almost at the boiling point
so, I must break to smile,
I think I'd like to hop on
and kiss your lips awhile.
Ooo baby, not to fast just yet,
sleek and slow's my style,
the rythym will pick up in time
I want you to go that extra mile!
I love the taste of yourLuscious Lipstick
It’s fresh colorful taste upon my lips
Its roaming delicious scent upon my fingertips
It’s the gentle caressing undressing
The luscious foreplay that seems to last all day
and long into the coming night
The colors of your lips
As they leave telling rainbow trails,
of where they’ve been all over my body
they push me longer and higher
to fulfill your every desire
to be a bit naughty
with my lipstickless lips
giving you back sweet kisses
up n’ down n’ around your quivering body
Nourishing and feeding the now fluorishing fires
Heating and beating and driving our burning lust
Not stopping till we’re spent n’ enuff
time on your bust n' muff
I'm always gentle n' never too rough
you beg to stop but I call your bluff
and give you more
than just sex and love to never end
Catching our breath to do all over again
Just apply some more luscious lipstick
Yeah, that sensual look will always to the trick
And you’ll have my wandering lips
And tongue to kiss till your bliss, lick lick lick
Your sweet luscious lipstick
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Oooooohhhh baby…mmmmmmmmmm
Your lips taste like a raspberry smoothie
And get my motor hummin’ hot
my guitar neck strummin’
wantin’ desirin’, all you’ve got
and from the looks you’re givin’ me grl
you’ve got one burnin’ burnin, lot
who’s given me more than just a wink & a thought
Slow you like it, slow you’ve got
We’re findin’ our rhythm
We’re findin’ our beat
Our radiaotors' water workin' overtime
to exchange our heat
Our bodies are in fine tune
as we shot for the moon
With our new wide tires n' mag rim lugs
Our sparks fly from our hot-runnin’ plugs
My oil is bit slick, your scent does trick
Along with your sweet tasting lips
And my roamin’ fingertips
Down your back
And ‘cross your hips
My lips slide down your neck
Don’t stop now girl, I’ll be a wreck
Our bodies intertwine, mine in yours, yours in mine
We’re in the groove girl, now it’s your move
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
I think everyone has a "Naughty Streak" right, if they don't they should seek to discover where it's hiding, and release once or twice or thrice a day;)
Yes, The Boss ref...I did notice. You know My Best is Never Good enuff but as long you keep The Rising up, then it'll never turn us horny little devils to dust, only lust, and desires to the body n' soul higher. So Naughty Girl, Light My Fire and we''d drive our erotica poetica a panty notch or two higher, or lower, lickety split! Yeah! I better take a shower now;)
See ya next break
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
while I shudder,
and my knees
they's like budder,
slippin' n slidin',
we're just arrivin',
quivers and shakes
no time to waste,
(your taste
is still
supple and soft,
a sweet glide,
a sweet landing,
oh my,
just wait
I see you're still standing!
Shhh, come quick,
before they think we're lost,
let's get it on again,
before we get off!
Just drop the pants
and I'll be there,
gettin' you to blast off
then on again my friend
Quickie afternoon delights
on Eddie and co's site
will put them on the fans in Paradise
if only for a minutes of view
so let's do it lickety split
while I enjoy all of you
and fans enjoy the view
while they wish they were me, or you
Yes, a short sweet sensual glide
A quiver, a shake, no kiss to late
A quick yet long surfing ride to shore
wanting, wanting, later., much, much more
(your lingering taste in still on my tongue too,
all luscious loviong sensual parrs of you
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
I don't have much to give you
in the way of material things.
But then, I have never been a material person . . .
so it wouldn't matter much anyway.
I do have something to give you, though . . .
and I hope you accept this gift with joy.
I have chosen not to wrap it . . .
I want it to be presented to you
as pristine as can be.
And anyway, decorations or wrappings would
certainly ruin the effect.
And so it is . . . that I stand before you . . .
unclothed, but surprisingly, unashamed
of my nakedness.
You have already captured a piece of my heart,
and you have captivated my soul.
The only thing left for me to present to you
is my very being . . . and I do that willingly,
happily, and most of all . . . lovingly.
Standing before you . . . watching your every movement . . .
seeing the desire in your eyes
for the very first time.
I don't believe in all of my life,
I have ever witnessed a moment
as beautiful as this.
Neither one of us can speak . . .
and we are finding, even breathing, is difficult.
Your heartbeat is pounding out a rhythm
that almost assaults my ears.
I can hear it from where I stand across from you . . .
and every beat speaks of your love for me.
I am giving you this gift tonight,
because I desperately want you to look inside.
I want you to open this package that I offer you,
slowly . . . lovingly . . . sensuously . . .
and search for what lies within.
You don't have to look far, you know . . .
everything I feel for you is just below the surface.
So it shouldn't take long for you
to discover the beauty awaiting you there.
Go ahead . . . open this gift as a child would
on a snowy Christmas morning . . .
in a hurried fashion . . . rather like a frenzy, if you will.
But once that initial gift is opened . . .
and the passion subsides . . .
Please promise me
that this gift I give you . . .
this gift of myself . . .
is only just the beginning.
selene vigil
I look deep in your eyes.
I see there what I feel inside.
We share something between us,
Neither one of us can hide.
I feel your lips touch mine,
I loose all my control,
All it took was a look and a kiss,
To know you were part of my soul.
I see your hands on my skin,
I want and need you to do more,
The passionate look you give me,
Tells me heaven is in store.
I feel your need against my thigh,
I know you will fulfill every wish,.
We were made to fit together,
And all it took was a look and a kiss.
I look deep in your eyes,
And I see heaven there inside,
You make me feel so beautiful,
What I feel for you I cannot hide.
selene vigil
Silently she awakes and gazes upon him there.
She sees him sleeping peacefully and longs to hold him near.
She reaches out her trembling hand to gently touch his face.
Remembering short hours ago, sharing love's embrace.
He stirs just then and spies her tender. loving stare.
Then places his hand over hers, stunned at the extent of her care.
Their eyes never leave each other as she caresses his soft skin.
She smiles at him slightly as she moves closer to him.
He takes her in his arms placing a kiss upon her cheek.
She turns her head slowly, his lips for her to seek.
A subtle moan escapes her as his hand explores anew.
Passions kiss intensifies as their rhythmic dance ensues.
He proclaims his love for her as he kisses her wanting neck.
She moves her hands over him finally to rest upon his chest.
Feeling her velvet secret engulf him again and again,
And feels her building climax escaping from her then.
She arches back, catches his eyes adoring their allure.
As they reach their perfect harmony, together once more.
selene vigil
comes Marjo with a mission in mind
in need a playful cyber naughty boy
with big boy's toy that she wants to fondle
Can I handle all this reaction
all this action
depends on what I'm packin'
A 22 or a 44, give rubber bullets n' more
so blanks I not ever be shootin'
'or something with quadruple action
a machine gun with a gattling ram
cuz damn! from here, the view is not blue
I can tangle with one, have some sensual fun
then along came two, and we had more to do
more to view, more to respond, be fond
then came three and I was Enlilghtened I be
Now we have four, please give me some more
I'll just load up my boat with more solar n fuel cells not dino gas
and put the metal to petal, and throttle my ass
in this turbo-charged boat on this voyage to make it last n' last
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Yes dreamer....all submission are welcome, no permission needed, we have loads positions we haven't even dreamed if your visions of baring your poetic erotic self for all to enjoy like their fave toys, then ENTER the Poetica Eritica Errogenous Zone and live life cat n' a dog with a bone.
We can be romantic too.....check out the view of the "Let Love Shine" thread, and when one can mix sensuality with romatic ertocism and sweet sweet love, they aren't no other of heaven's gifts from above that fit as well as a man's hands and a velvet glove.
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Has anyone seen a big boulder or a rock
something I can hide in while the waves and shocks subside
I can try to fulfill every wish and fill your soul with bliss
and savor every sweet delicious kiss
Yet I need to let you know that I was born to be shared, not paired
Everyone is beautiful, deep, deep inside
Everyone has the power to make their own land
with their own hands
of hope and dreams
Everyone can truly find Paradise
all they need to do, is look inside
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
would have an effect, I coudn't have guessed or bet
that so many birds would to sing
and explore what naughty boyz n' girlz can bring
from the cradle to the grave
we live with the bed of roses that we make
It's a soft bed
with satin sheets and down pillows
no weepiong willows
just dreams of lust n' love
from our images thru words in our heads
flowing thru our hearts thru our fingers
and sung with spunk by daring dashing flashing singers
It's all good, if it makes everyone feel fine
Now lets all share a bottle of red or chardonnay wine
and pen our thoughts and release the knots
with a cyber bump n' a grind
Just don't anyone get stuck
and think this just a cyber funk
we'll pull out all the goodies from our trunk
get loose, and the juice flow
and find happiness with kisses
that bring smiles to our faces
while we get to know, each other
and not anyone smother the sensous fun
so let down your hair, put your dancin' shoes
and romance the stone
and find each others' erogenous zones
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
You can separate me into nice little piles
While I spread myself all over your and adorn you with smiles
‘stead of just shovin’ all of me into big big load
You can do the colors first
Then quench your thirst with the all-white stuff
Just don’t stop, till you get enuff
You can soap me all up with big bubbly suds
You can bleach me and get out all my stains n’ mud
You know from my scent that I’m not spent,
And never a bore or a dud
When I’m wet and soaked
You can put me on spin dry
Till I’m dizzy in the head
And get me ready to twirl gain
You can make me all squeaky clean
Make my head shine with a sheen
And when I’m all spun ‘round n’ round
Makin’ high pitched moaning sounds
You can turn the dial for a have load
Then you can take me out and shake me all about
You wanna, I wanna SRCEAM that we used SHOUT
Then you can toss my in your dryer
Spin the clock and take us higher
Turn on the gas and light our fire
And give me some more of your heat
Make me give up my water
Every drop of sweat till I’m all fluff in the buff
When you think I’m all butt done
You hang me out dry some more in the sun
Then you can take me out, wear me till I’m dirty again
So you can clean my body over again, my sensual flirty friend
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
The first time we touched, you held me so tight
that feeling I felt only felt so right.
Things were moving kind of fast and I felt ashamed
You made me feel so comfortable
and said no one is to blame.
You made love to me that night and also the next day
Things went fast I wondered what you would say,
You didn't say a word just held my hand,
That made me feel closer to you
you were that perfect gentleman.
We are miles apart and I wonder when I will see you again,
I can't wait till I kiss you, hold you,
and just see you.... my friend.
selene vigil
our makin' love was bliss
and you want another kiss. like this
you want another dance
another chance, to make romance
You kow I can put on dancin' shoes
and dance till well after midnight
by the light of the moon
We'll have a party and invite Crazey Janey
Wild Bill and walk up strawberry hill
and commence the thrills
ooooohh baby, you're givin' me chills
make love in the dirt
rip off our pants'
rip off our shirts
We'll be Enlightened, wth a California Girl
and Bu2 will join in
as we all get skin-to-skin
have a party in the tunnel of love
and enjoy all that heaven will allow from above
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
a pact to share
i made it & i'll dare
but one on one
just me n' you
behind the sun
selene vigil
we'll do what we do in public view
if we dare to be so bold
erotic duets are nice
filled sensual kisses
on flesh n' bone
will that suffice
that we fill these pages
with erotic Paradise
yes the sun may burn
and the moon my yearn
that which spriings to life
will another page to turn
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
You are everywhere
You kiss my breasts
I feel your stubble
Upon my soft skin
Erotic, slow, intense
So softly!
You stroke my waiting body
And I feel your mouth upon mine
So lovingly
Your hands caress me
So suddenly!
I sense you
Feel you, see you
Far above me
Beautiful you--
Endless waves of love
Pass between us
And a great hot swelling
Fills my body, soul and mind
With sensual joy
At your presence
Indescribable passion
Joy beyond knowing
As high and swift and strong
You love me inexorably--
High and swift and strong
We ride together to that special
Place of endless joy
Making love all night long--
at least
make sure you're wearing your helmet
going into the blast
I want to make each precious delicious moment last
Your breasts are sweeter than any peaches I’ve tasted
My stubble gentle stimulates your desire
As we embrace and taste each others face
Your soft skin against mine
Like a gentle breeze in the trees
Sliding so effortlessly across the leaves
Down the sides of your neck, your back
Your hips, my lips
‘cross the even softer skin of your inner thighs
With each movement in perfect rhythm, new highs
as our bodes move as one, from your lipst to your toes
our love making knows no end my sensual passonate friend
Our passion, our joy, my stiffness, your softnes
Our embraces, arm in arm hands in palm, tongue against tongue
Tongue against skin, pink and beckoning for its release
In an enduring moment of heated passion
Our bodies and minds and souls, let it all go
As we take that magical mystical erotic ride to Paradise
That's what I see when I look into you big beautiful blue eyes
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Suddenly but not too fast
I want to make each precious delicious moment last
Your breasts are sweeter than any peaches I’ve tasted
My stubble gentle stimulates your desire
As we embrace and taste each others face
Your soft skin against mine
Like a gentle breeze in the trees
Sliding so effortlessly across the leaves
Down the sides of your neck, your back
Your hips, my lips
‘cross the even softer skin of your inner thighs
With each movement in perfect rhythm, new highs
as our bodees move as one, from your lip to your toes
our love making knows no end my sensual passonate friend
Our passion, our joy, my stiffness, your softnes
Our embraces, arm in arm hands in palm, tongue against tongue
Tongue against skin, pink and beckoning for its release
In an enduring moment of heated passion
Our bodies and minds and souls, let it all go
As we take that magical mystical erotic ride to Paradise
That's what I see when I look into you big beautiful blue eyes
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads