Bridge to Eternity

Holey GhostHoley Ghost Posts: 744
Bridge to Eternity

Empty Sky, God knows why
Went to the City de Las Cross
Near the border of the Mayan sun
Empty Sky, God knows why

From the jagged mountains
From the desert of Death Valley
To the dearth of the Dead Sea
Let’s build a bridge
With a footpath to the stars
On a yellow brick road
With moonlight’s beacon of hope leading the way
To wherever you are
A red stone path all religions can follow
Together we can put an end to humanity’s sorrow

No weapons of destruction
Only the sands of time for the construction
Put your hands in mine
All hands, all lands
We’ll understand
The communication line

It’s time, it’s time
To put the pebbles & dust behind
And start the walk
‘Cross the Bridge that we’ll find
In time , In Time

Put aside our interpretations of life & God
That have lead us into the murky seas
Let us start, two humans at a time
Put your hand in mine
Together our hearts will beat as one
And pass this baton of Love
To the next couple down the line

No superior, no inferior, go exterior
True equality for Humanity
We can all understand
Love is the answer for man
Now woman, take my hand
Together this 1st Step we’ll take
A good story we will make

Together we will rid this world
One couple at a time,
Of evil and hate
Don’t take just Words or Faith
Just take my heart
Which I’m givin’ to you girl
Together we can start
A Good New World
And Create a New Day the 8th
Where moonlight turns the night into day
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    The hope in this one appeals to me very much. :)
  • Bu2Bu2 Posts: 1,693
    And said it in a well-articulated way. Lennon tried that too. And it made sense to me then, too.

    So thank you,
    for reminding me.
    Why it is,
    that we are here.
    Feels Good Inc.
  • Holey GhostHoley Ghost Posts: 744
    thanks Justam and Bu2!

    I'm glad it connected with both of you. It's one of my personal favorites that I've ever written.
    Create Good Things........
    Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
  • No wonder it's one of your faves, it's very good! :) Made me smile! :)
    Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
  • Holey GhostHoley Ghost Posts: 744
    Thanks's just me

    I have to admit, it was inspired by Bruce Springsteen, yet I think fits well with PJ's idealism.

    I'm glad it made you smile
    I like bringing sunshine into someone's world

    I apreciate the regulars here
    have offered me some friendship
    and the space to create a while
    Create Good Things........
    Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
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