
Directions given on a map of time
Follow the path around the bend
Running into the fork in the road
And choosing the one u fear the least
But know all too well
The cliff of the past
Resides in my mind
Jumping off into the abyss
Of unknown beginnings
But never really letting go
The wind in my hair
As I imagine the fall
All the promises seem
Too good to be true
I loosen my grip
Fingers slide from the rock
The fall has taken me
Before I am ready to let go
Bracing for the impact
I reach for the one I first see
Pulling him down, instead of alone
The fall together is not what I thought
For at the bottom the impact awaits
Beyond the fog the possibilities are
Calm ocean waters or the rocks of the shore
Follow the path around the bend
Running into the fork in the road
And choosing the one u fear the least
But know all too well
The cliff of the past
Resides in my mind
Jumping off into the abyss
Of unknown beginnings
But never really letting go
The wind in my hair
As I imagine the fall
All the promises seem
Too good to be true
I loosen my grip
Fingers slide from the rock
The fall has taken me
Before I am ready to let go
Bracing for the impact
I reach for the one I first see
Pulling him down, instead of alone
The fall together is not what I thought
For at the bottom the impact awaits
Beyond the fog the possibilities are
Calm ocean waters or the rocks of the shore
"I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"