atomgobbler's philosphy

*please forgive me this is a drunken tirade and my best monotone William really I am a great narrator especially of my own work Jack would be jealous*
shove your MTV down your throat,
after Eddie dangling from the rafters we have nothing left to see
fucking commercials go buy your toys while your classmates die and are mutilated trying to pay for college
thank you jesus
fuck you jesus
go to hell
FUCK YOU G.W. BUSH and your neo-con policy makers.
Karl Rove is the devil incarnate
what do we have LEFT to see, but a punk dieing of cancer in the RIGHT,
mind your bedside manners young man he was your prodigy
sorry had to say that; the world is very real when you are an adult
we are given things we wish we were not given. but take in like a deep breath and reflect upon those that taught us to be independent thinkers
I am a poet because of the poets.
fuck the world
fuck the world
only drones vote for what we have now
be greater than that and use your freedom
be greater because the opportunity is there
We are the world in some misconstrued sense of reality due to our mass media
when it comes down to reality life is the soil and we all will be soil one day
realize that life will rise again from that soil and leave something behind
A grain of wheat is greater than my life
so what is greater than yours?
As Jim Morrison once said did you live a life worthy of making a movie?
I'm not sure that's so important anymore than leaving this better than we were given it. Of course maturity brings those thoughts on.
so fuck the world
fuck the world
I wish Johnny Cash would have made better sense of reality than relying on some asshole interpretation of God. How's the dirt Johnny...he would appreciate that comment if he were alive.
shove your MTV down your throat,
after Eddie dangling from the rafters we have nothing left to see
fucking commercials go buy your toys while your classmates die and are mutilated trying to pay for college
thank you jesus
fuck you jesus
go to hell
FUCK YOU G.W. BUSH and your neo-con policy makers.
Karl Rove is the devil incarnate
what do we have LEFT to see, but a punk dieing of cancer in the RIGHT,
mind your bedside manners young man he was your prodigy
sorry had to say that; the world is very real when you are an adult
we are given things we wish we were not given. but take in like a deep breath and reflect upon those that taught us to be independent thinkers
I am a poet because of the poets.
fuck the world
fuck the world
only drones vote for what we have now
be greater than that and use your freedom
be greater because the opportunity is there
We are the world in some misconstrued sense of reality due to our mass media
when it comes down to reality life is the soil and we all will be soil one day
realize that life will rise again from that soil and leave something behind
A grain of wheat is greater than my life
so what is greater than yours?
As Jim Morrison once said did you live a life worthy of making a movie?
I'm not sure that's so important anymore than leaving this better than we were given it. Of course maturity brings those thoughts on.
so fuck the world
fuck the world
I wish Johnny Cash would have made better sense of reality than relying on some asshole interpretation of God. How's the dirt Johnny...he would appreciate that comment if he were alive.
Irritated with this.
Post edited by Unknown User on
write more please.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Here comes some good ole Henry Rollins
Like a goat fucking a fence post
splinters in the groin and all
we just seek what feels good and go for it
rub it till it bleeds or ejaculates
grind on; life feels even more empty with the inanimate objects we use to fulfill
those needs
create destroy one in the same emotion
create destroy hahahahaha
I still don't feel good what is there left to feel?
yesterday some fucking asshole took lives in Virginia
and he proved nothing
I hope all that admire his destruction realize it is useless as taking life from conception.
you get so far in life and have so much to live for but one person takes it all away
and that person didn't just take it from you he took it away from those that supported your efforts
so fuck that guy
he will spend eternity in some fresh awaking that he missed the point to all of this
take this time to take a deeep breath and release; next pose drenched in your yoga sweat
so that first post wasn't your writing? :(
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Completely random thoughts... I can stop sharing, but think it's best for to just go with the mind and let it flow with a few edits.
I am more of a Jack Kerouac. But thats where we all came from in this free flow prose. The beats. Right?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
But I do learn from those before.
It is out of respect I mention my mentors. Like the "LEFT and RIGHT and mind your bedside manners" that was a direct poke at Eddie. mean as it is.
How's it feel being soil?
Sometimes I wish I knew, but then I hear a lick off Mike's guitar and know I can't wait to hear more and maybe, maybe someone might care to see and read what I have created? After all pearljam may not have ignited my creativity but they definitely added to the fire.
Not to manipulate, but I hope I interest people and have base audience as a creator...otherwise whats my purpose in this world?
I still struggle with that question.
yeah i picked up on that.
and hey i know what you're saying. 3 years ago henry rollins got me changing my entire style of writing. we can't help but be influenced by who we read and we revere.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I liked his response to Ann Landers not too long ago. ohh it was about a frustrated sexual experience as a response to her ultra conservative ways.
I am pretty sure a good fuck would set her straight but she has been fucking neo-cons and those types just don't know how to do it like Elvis.
one sec maybe I can find it on youtube....gee that was too easy
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
well crapola
I will do my best to re-write the transcript as I can not get enough of this.
i've read enough rollins to know what he think of ann coulter and laura bush.
his love letter to ann in roomanitarian was priceless.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You use to be fun, at least funny at least gently amusingly insane, but girlfriend you've changed. The thousand yard stare you've acquire in the last couple years says lonely nights too much wine and insecurity about the future of your career. Where to now my sweet fascist? Another one of your silly books? More hilarious appearances on Hannity and Combs? *
Oh for God's sakes I am not a scribe. This is worth downloading just let your computer work through the night it is awesome.
Ann Landers is like Jesse Jackson with the appeal of Hitler youth gone way to far. I would use the C word but there are more creative ways for that and Henry Rollins sums it up in brief monologue.
Henry has change since Black Flag and I don't think anyone ever admitted to him being a great vocalist. But he his great writer.
to ann hitler with love. he just lets that 'fascist' have it with both barrels. its a beautiful thing to read.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I forgot what that was in response to but it is brilliant.
it's a whole chapter in his book roomanitarian.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
so how do you decided to write something?
does it just come when your down?
Does it come when you're up?
Can I have a Guinness please?
I don't know? Thats your decision to make if I have had too many.
But I accept your choice and will retreat to my home at your request.
I sure enjoyed the pasty, your great pour and your lovely face.
I admire a nose as sharp as yours and wish I wasn't such the deplorable bastard you may perceive me to be.
Sure have good night.
I am exhausted from a days work.
good night if you hear me or care to.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Fuck You And Your Peace It's Why We Are What We Are And It's Just Laying Down
lets try that again...
My brother just sister just died
Can any one tell me fucking why?
Just do what you're told and if you get to see your children again it is because God made it that way
now I have invoked an ancient recipe for the spirits.
But he only listens to shareholders in oil stocks
you think with redemption a person would always succumb to guilt but not always the case
Please forgive US world we know not what we do
but please don't kill my family
I will have to avenge a generation later as will you, so lets stop
It is greed and jealousy that rages a battle of cowards and fools.
No one will win because the last man standing will only fall to his knees and reach toward God in his own religion and say "WHY?"
Fucking fools
Fucking fools
Fucking fools
There is always a beter way. Be progressive.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
because it is decayed and no longer useful
such a great mystic, a shitty poet, and somehow made it into history at the right time to be revered other wise his mediocrity would fall to the wayside much like mine and yours.
ooh a critic.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
not so wise a saying when you no longer trust in the best happening.
There is a end to this all and may the Lord of us bless those people
heaven or hell no one on earth can garuntee your entry or if either exists...
I like pearl jam glad they found a way to continue making music
MY art teacher once told me,
(ok I forgot the exact words so this an adlib and for the purpose of the flow...Ms. Tanglenti would understand.)
Matthew, we are artists and unlike a band we walk alone. In a band everyone must agree, but we have the aptitude to create on our own and are often unable to compromise which is nonnegotiable in a band."
So I walk the line alone and not sure if anyone understands.
It's a harsh world out there and not everyone fits the mold people expect you to be.
I am a leader, but not so comfortable about it. I do scare people at ease or trying to find that ease in this world. (let me know when you find it and pass on the recipe) I would like peace in my life but not sure if I was ment for it maybe why I as born with leather skin and a stomach unable to pass matter.
Angry maybe at one time. I think it is a cry of justice now. If I wrong let me know.
aren't we all ?
Have you read Jim Morrisons Poetry/Prose complete crap to who he tries to resemble. I think William Borroughs would have a one night stand with him and later write about a terrible bug crawling up his anus.
But maybe that is just me?
that we are. sometimes our own worst one.
yeah perhaps william would. that made me laugh, thanks.
i read morrison a little when i was 16/17 and i thought it was crap. but what did i know, you know? ive yet to test my critique from all those years ago with maturity.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say