She wants the truth, hell so unbelieveable I don't even believe it sometimes,
What the fuck you tell her, it was something you had to prove,
Maybe she didn't love me like I thought but I loved the life she gave me,
Now you better make sure she doesn't want for anything fucker,
All I see is that she's wanting this dude so you better fucking deliver,
She reads this stuff so you fucking explain to her not me,
I'll sign Monday, you better start taking care of them or hell you'll pay,
The tanned lady showed up a my room Sat., She is a nice lady,
Money and all that don't mean shit told you that shit in N.C.,
I played some stuff ,she said be ready for things to change in 2007,
You fucks won, I'll start working on my own shit Sunday it may take a while,
Fucker, I guess I'll make this shit happen,
Maybe it is fate but right now I'm not looking forward to it.
Like I said man all kidding aside, please make her a good life,
I know your right but I loved her so and she's not a dime a dozen to me,
She needs a car and some money may it will take most of the year before I can make that happen,
You do your part and I'll do the best work I've ever did,
Take care of them and make sure they don't hurt, they'll never understand it was your doing not mine,
And you can quit proving shit to me I get the hint she didn't love me but I can always love her and I'll let the world know through what I do.
Now let's rock this motherfucker!!!
What the fuck you tell her, it was something you had to prove,
Maybe she didn't love me like I thought but I loved the life she gave me,
Now you better make sure she doesn't want for anything fucker,
All I see is that she's wanting this dude so you better fucking deliver,
She reads this stuff so you fucking explain to her not me,
I'll sign Monday, you better start taking care of them or hell you'll pay,
The tanned lady showed up a my room Sat., She is a nice lady,
Money and all that don't mean shit told you that shit in N.C.,
I played some stuff ,she said be ready for things to change in 2007,
You fucks won, I'll start working on my own shit Sunday it may take a while,
Fucker, I guess I'll make this shit happen,
Maybe it is fate but right now I'm not looking forward to it.
Like I said man all kidding aside, please make her a good life,
I know your right but I loved her so and she's not a dime a dozen to me,
She needs a car and some money may it will take most of the year before I can make that happen,
You do your part and I'll do the best work I've ever did,
Take care of them and make sure they don't hurt, they'll never understand it was your doing not mine,
And you can quit proving shit to me I get the hint she didn't love me but I can always love her and I'll let the world know through what I do.
Now let's rock this motherfucker!!!
Come on and play on the edge of life with me. Its fun and I love every minute of it!!!