Your Were Right

I know your love for me is real,
Yea you were right she was full of shit,
So many years of hearing bullshit made me deaf to truth,
I wish she would find the person she chases and get fucking lost,
out of sight, out of mind and no I'll never feel for her as I do for you,
when we make love you make it so right,
remember I will always love you and my heart will hold you forever,
it doesn't matter to me if she is insane or sane my love for her has left,
she and I never had nothing to begin with, all one big lie she created,
I wasted years with nothing of a person,
but the knife she stuck in my back did more good than damage,
you came along and kissed my wound you nursed me back from death,
my soul belongs with you and I will take you everywhere I go,
we will always be together in our minds even though I must go,
don't blame that idiot it's my choice to leave I have responsibilties,
I love you forever and no one will take that away,
Thanks for everything, your the best I ever had.
Yea you were right she was full of shit,
So many years of hearing bullshit made me deaf to truth,
I wish she would find the person she chases and get fucking lost,
out of sight, out of mind and no I'll never feel for her as I do for you,
when we make love you make it so right,
remember I will always love you and my heart will hold you forever,
it doesn't matter to me if she is insane or sane my love for her has left,
she and I never had nothing to begin with, all one big lie she created,
I wasted years with nothing of a person,
but the knife she stuck in my back did more good than damage,
you came along and kissed my wound you nursed me back from death,
my soul belongs with you and I will take you everywhere I go,
we will always be together in our minds even though I must go,
don't blame that idiot it's my choice to leave I have responsibilties,
I love you forever and no one will take that away,
Thanks for everything, your the best I ever had.
Come on and play on the edge of life with me. Its fun and I love every minute of it!!!