Why Are You So Fucking Blind?

madjackmadjack Posts: 213
You search for love so damn much only to kill it once found,
You had a family who once love you destroyed them,
I never dreamed I would feel about you like I do,
Never wanted to hate but Your dreams made me,
Little man loves you, wants you to get help,
You pay him back with words that cut him to the bone,
I know we are through and never ever will be,
How could you hurt him how could anything be more important,
Don't hold the fact he's mine against him he does love you,
There is not that many left, you turn away from him for them,
Does a buzz kill LAGOO, is this what your after,
Dammit what happen to you, fucking wake up,
You are your worst enemy,
Time is still left for you to be happy but your blowing it,
Change while you can SAVE HIM, he is a good kid,
Come on and play on the edge of life with me. Its fun and I love every minute of it!!!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    i like this
    thank you for sharing
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    Madjack, the story in this one is so sad. I think you have really captured the problem with people casually dis-regarding their children's need for stability and love.
  • madjackmadjack Posts: 213
    It's an unheard plea to a person who has the intelligence to change. A person I once admired for many reasons. For what ever reason, we killed what we once had. I really do wish her happiness, but the path toward destruction isn't going to do it. She used to to tell me how terrible the people she is now running with was. She is hurting the one thing we created and we both love, but doesn't see it. She seems to think I am using him to control her but I'm not. He really loves her but she's killing it to try to be something she's not.
    Come on and play on the edge of life with me. Its fun and I love every minute of it!!!
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    As the child of a woman who married far too many times...I feel for your son.

    It's terrible to feel like your mom loves other people far more than you.

    Your son is lucky you are still around to remind his mom to wake up. :)
  • madjackmadjack Posts: 213
    It isn't that she loves others more than him, she needs to love herself and not self destruct. She loves him but doesn't understand that he loves her so much he doesn't want to see her hurt. He loves his mom and she loves him, but she doesn't love herself enough to change her path. It's easier to lie to everyone and continue on. I love him so much I hate to see such a young person worry and not enjoy childhood like he should. He quiet a remarkable young man he has a lot of insights that both she and I could learn a lot from him. He sure is worth more than a high.
    Come on and play on the edge of life with me. Its fun and I love every minute of it!!!
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    Good luck dude.
    From what I am reading here
    you seem like a great father.
    This is very awesome.
    Hopefully one day soon she will wake
    the hell up and get her act together.
    Be well all three of you.
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • weedweed Posts: 475
    to chadwick and justam:

    Where were the two of you
    when the rest of the children
    were being taught child safety?

    Don't talk to strangers.
    Don't believe in what they say.
    They lie to you to gain your trust.
    They really don't want you to help
    them find their dog - - they just want
    to do bad things to you.
    The candy they have in their pocket
    is not worth it.
  • madjackmadjack Posts: 213
    Luck has it the rest of the children were all right,
    Until excuses were needed for failures,
    I stand my ground where truth is found,
    When you just speak words they are worthless,
    Act on your stories but you can't act on lies,
    I have nothing to fear or hide,
    You need to be on the creek where you truely belong,
    But my son never will be you can bet your life on it,
    The roaches and lice maybe cool to you not for him,
    The truth use to be with you but not anymore
    Come on and play on the edge of life with me. Its fun and I love every minute of it!!!
  • weedweed Posts: 475
    Hey Liar Liar, are your pants on fire?

    I must have been looking good
    last weekend - - you've been
    'on the rag' ever since !!!!!!

    my son is mad at me
    because I grounded him
    for not doing chores
    and helping me.
    I took everything away - -
    internet, phone, pool, friends - -
    if that makes me a bad mother
    then fuck you and everyone else

    you see me out with friends,
    it flips your lid & freaks you out.
    then your alcohol soaked,
    pecker-gnat sized brain
    tries to fart out a plan to
    'get my goat'

    you sweet talk my son:
    "why don't you come
    and live with me in my
    cracker-box sized motel room ...
    when I get home from work
    you can come with me to Catdaddy's
    and stand near the counter for hours ...
    I can get you free doughnuts
    cause I'm important.
    then we'll walk across the
    parking lot to the 'bar & grill'
    where I'll spend $25.00 to $35.00
    worth of beer every night ...
    happy hour - - here we come !
    and hell, ... since you'll be 13 soon,
    you can drive us back to the motel - -
    maybe not, ... I wouldn't have any
    more drunk driving stories to tell - -
    and you know how I like to tell
    everyone about how the cops
    never catch me."

    you figure that after
    motel rent, beer & drugs,
    and what little child support you pay,
    you don't have any money left
    for a lawyer so you try to take
    your son the easy way :
    get her in trouble and
    they will give him to me for free

    he told them that I have a problem
    with smoking pot and I needed help.

    quess what?
    the cops came and went
    because they did not find anything.
    they did not take my son
    down the road with them.
    the loud noise that I heard
    as they left must have been
    your bubble bursting.
    It has been 1 year and 39 days
    since I have smoked a joint

    yeah, my son told me everything.
  • madjackmadjack Posts: 213
    Funny they made you burn your papers too,
    Gave you a break they did or did they,
    You think you know a lot, don't know shit,
    Little man isn't a lair like the rest of you,
    My child support was set by a court,
    My child support is took out of my check every week,
    I live where the hell I want but soon changes,
    Fuck you and your friends you belong with them,
    Never talked little man into doing anything but not running away,
    I do what the hell or where the hell I want,
    You mean nothing to me so quit believeing you do,
    I had fun last week and will this week too,
    Tonight tommorrow and there after,
    I teach him to drive just like I did your kids,
    Don't like it then fuck off!!!!!!!!!
    Come on and play on the edge of life with me. Its fun and I love every minute of it!!!
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    weed wrote:
    to chadwick and justam:

    Where were the two of you
    when the rest of the children
    were being taught child safety?

    Don't talk to strangers.
    Don't believe in what they say.
    They lie to you to gain your trust.
    They really don't want you to help
    them find their dog - - they just want
    to do bad things to you.
    The candy they have in their pocket
    is not worth it.

    weed, I don't need a reminder about being careful near strangers, but thanks all the same.
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