Algo en español...

mumimumi Posts: 662
edited September 2006 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
Miró por la ventana conteniendo el llanto todo lo que pudo, hasta explotar en un grito. Contuvo una vez más... Sus fútiles esfuerzos la llevaban a hacerlo inclusive mas notorio. Sintió los pasos asustados acercarse, los pasos culposos, los pasos dulces, los pasos cansados, desgastados -rotos de tanto venir-. Él se le acercó, intentando envolverla en un abrazo. “Gesto de nada” pensó ella con bronca. Lo alejó con los hombros…
Lo acercó con la mirada, buscándolo en la oscuridad (como pidiéndole por favor que rehiciera todo, q volviera las horas atrás, los días, que deshiciera lo hecho).

Soledad, miedo ingobernable, gobernante.

La abrazó de nuevo. Así quedaron, un largo rato hasta que las espaldas se les volvieron agarrotadas. Hablaron, hablaron hasta q ella no tuvo más palabras (ella hablaba, buscando inútilmente explicaciones entre los fonemas). De a poco los brazos, las piernas, los dedos, el cabello…de pronto todo fluía en enredaderas. Y otra vez encontrarse, acompañarse, otra vez ese amor q la alimenta, q alimenta.

Una vez mas se preguntó si de eso se trataría la vida.
Uno es dueño de lo que calla
y esclavo de lo que habla.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • I wish I could speak/read Spanish! :(
    Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
  • mumimumi Posts: 662
    If you want to learn some, i'll teach you:D
    But I've been saed it's pretty difficult for english speakers
    Uno es dueño de lo que calla
    y esclavo de lo que habla.
  • jamjamjamjam Posts: 491
    can you translate that to English?
  • mumimumi Posts: 662
    jamjam wrote:
    can you translate that to English?
    Uff...I'll try...but have you seen that movie, Lost in translation? It's really difficult to be able to transmit the same feelings in another language...But I'll try, I promise!
    Uno es dueño de lo que calla
    y esclavo de lo que habla.
  • jamjamjamjam Posts: 491
    ok :)
    looking forward to it.
  • mumimumi Posts: 662
    She looked through the window containing the weeping everything what could, up to exploiting in a shout. She contained once again... Her futile efforts were leading her to doing it inclusive mas well-known. He(she) felt the scared steps to approach, the culpable steps, the sweet steps, the tired, spoiled steps - torn(broken) of so much coming-. He approached her, trying to wrap her in an embrace. " Gesture of nothing " she thought with wrangle. She pushed him back with the shoulders … brought it over with the look, looking for him in the darkness (asking him please to re-do everything, make the hours go back, the days, to undo what had been done).

    Loneliness, ungovernable fear, governing.

    He hugged her again. This way they stayed, a long moment until the backs turned them squeezed tight. They spoke, spoke until she did not have any more words (she was speaking, looking uselessly for explanations between-among- the fonemas). Of to little the arms, the legs, the fingers, the hair … suddenly everything was flowing in vines. And again to be united, to there be accompanied, again this love that feeds her, that feeds.

    Once again she wondered if about that's what life is all about.
    Uno es dueño de lo que calla
    y esclavo de lo que habla.
  • mumimumi Posts: 662
    mumi wrote:
    [bold]SHE[/bold] felt the scared steps to approach, the culpable steps, the sweet steps, the tired, spoiled steps - torn(broken) of so much coming-.
    It's she, not he, Sorry!
    Uno es dueño de lo que calla
    y esclavo de lo que habla.
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