I'm Sorry I Slept With Your Sister

I'm not really.
I only said it to make you feel better,
And because I'd feel bad if you started a fight and I had to kick your ass too.
Even that night after I said sorry,
When we all got drunk and you passed out - we did it again.
Twice. Once in the same room.
Perhaps I wouldn't have if you hadn't tried to get involved.
She is after all, a fully consenting adult.
And she called you a stupid cunt, for getting involved.
But you ignited my vindictive streak.
I didn't really want to sleep with her again. But I did.
And it's her I feel bad for.
I can sometimes shock myself with my hypocrisy and rules made for my own private games - but at least I can admit them to myself.
Show me a better example of how to live and perhaps I'll learn.
But there aren't that many around.
'He who only learns from himself has a fool for a master.' Indeed.
And so much for all that.
I only said it to make you feel better,
And because I'd feel bad if you started a fight and I had to kick your ass too.
Even that night after I said sorry,
When we all got drunk and you passed out - we did it again.
Twice. Once in the same room.
Perhaps I wouldn't have if you hadn't tried to get involved.
She is after all, a fully consenting adult.
And she called you a stupid cunt, for getting involved.
But you ignited my vindictive streak.
I didn't really want to sleep with her again. But I did.
And it's her I feel bad for.
I can sometimes shock myself with my hypocrisy and rules made for my own private games - but at least I can admit them to myself.
Show me a better example of how to live and perhaps I'll learn.
But there aren't that many around.
'He who only learns from himself has a fool for a master.' Indeed.
And so much for all that.
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
Post edited by Unknown User on
was it size or lack of stamina?
What a drole, original response friend....
If indeed either either of the factors you outlined were, in fact, in any way pertinent, do you really think I'd be feeling sorry for her?
You really haven't thought this through have you....
Using people to get back at someone else is never a good way of doing things.
Minor nuances of conscience and regret often coming to the fore....
Thanks Jeremy....I think all too often people are not willing to ask questions of themselves - the reasons for acting in the ways they do when a darker side of their nature comes to the surface...I'm willing to do that.
Or what triggers these actions/reactions....
Yes, its probably a little twisted and malicious - but then there is malice everywhere you look, if you choose to look hard enough - it takes many forms and peace, love and happiness can only do so much to camouflage it...Yet we still try to paper the cracks...
[peple freak when they see someone's darkness.or hear ther black wordz.
lif isnt fair and peopl suck,that's what i know.
plus bein naugty can be fun!
admit it evryo ne! you allllll hav a part thatz brused and somtimes it feez good to press on it........
have hunted and waz hunted befor.
Indeed, an admirable existentialist argument.
As a good man named Sartre once said: 'Hell is other people'.
he totaly said that and wordz are loaded pistols.
didn't you jus say you cant liv your life believn in quotz?
spin spin spin
As disinclined as I am to enter into dialogue with anyone who bastardises in the English language in such a manner, i'm willing to reply for one reason.
That is - that quote was to back up YOUR SENTIMENT, I said it was an admirable argument, I never maintained that it was my position...Therefore investiture of faith in that quote - should you choose to - is solely yours....
Spin, spin, spin, fall over.
do be do be do
~ frank
however, i'm having a really good time, alex.
what do i win?
Can't argue with Frank's raison d'etre...
Unless it is, in fact, a quote...:)
Well, at least Mommy agrees, and lets face it - she knows best.
You win Biscuits. Loads. Sorry - cookies....
we don't.
I am a tomato, ripening in a greenhouse
from green to orange to red I go
from looking sick to embarrased is how I show
And then I get picked and ate.
The Royal We? Collective We? Wee in a bucket?
Neither of the above - he's the fine young gentlemen sitting quietly in the corner touching an Iguana in places an Iguana should never be touched....
The most interesting aspect of this is the weird combination of wanting to be honest and wanting to lie at the same time. You've captured that fascinating mix we've all seen before.
AND drole!
I was teasing, ya dork! Soooooo ssssserious, aren't we?
"If it ain't fun, it ain't worth it." ~ me
Yes. Loads. And I am worth it.
even considering your diminuative stature
and rabbit like response?