Brick Wall

A lot of people never use their initiative. Perhaps because no-one told them to. These are the type of people that believe that nothing can be done to change the world until capitalism crumbles, so they go shopping to console themselves...
Are these modern day citizen's cementing the ideal that people who get up early in the morning cause war, death and famine? Or are they simply earth's gardener's that realise even when 'the last tree has been cut down and final river polluted' that reciting native indian proverbs makes you sound like a fucking muppet.
Is this someone like You?
All hail the cry 'Big Brother is watching you'.
But maybe Big Brother is watching bootlegged Dutch porn on the next screen along, while the anti-war protesters are screaming 'Don't just do something. stand there!'
There are no exceptions to the rule that each believes they are the exception to the rule. To accept the consequence of action is a rare trial for people like you - for people like me. The militant rodent in us thriving on our own incessant wants and needs - sorry, wants - while we lose sight of importance. You win the rat race and you're still a rat.
While giving a thousand monkey's a thousand typewriters - you may end up at some point with a novel - try giving them a thousand sticks of dynamite and see how quickly it takes them to make a city a more beautiful looking place...Each chanting in unison - 'Laugh Now But One Day We'll Be In Charge'
while the leader of the troop (evidently the author) vindicates Picasso with the roaring battle-cry 'THE URGE TO DESTROY IS ALSO A CREATIVE URGE'.
Beauty is in the eye of the eroder - for people like you. For people like me.
And every time you hear the word 'culture' there's an instamatic, polarioid moment as you suppress the urge to unclip the safety on an imaginary 9mm.
It's been said that more crimes are commited in the name of obedience than disobedience. It's those who follow authority blindly who are the real danger. Is this someone like you? You're on your own this time...
Marching with the mercenaries to deride and conquer or clocking the card for No.1 - we come to the stunning realisation that in this savage year of Our Lord 2006, that the quickest way to the top of your business - is to turn it up side down.
Are these modern day citizen's cementing the ideal that people who get up early in the morning cause war, death and famine? Or are they simply earth's gardener's that realise even when 'the last tree has been cut down and final river polluted' that reciting native indian proverbs makes you sound like a fucking muppet.
Is this someone like You?
All hail the cry 'Big Brother is watching you'.
But maybe Big Brother is watching bootlegged Dutch porn on the next screen along, while the anti-war protesters are screaming 'Don't just do something. stand there!'
There are no exceptions to the rule that each believes they are the exception to the rule. To accept the consequence of action is a rare trial for people like you - for people like me. The militant rodent in us thriving on our own incessant wants and needs - sorry, wants - while we lose sight of importance. You win the rat race and you're still a rat.
While giving a thousand monkey's a thousand typewriters - you may end up at some point with a novel - try giving them a thousand sticks of dynamite and see how quickly it takes them to make a city a more beautiful looking place...Each chanting in unison - 'Laugh Now But One Day We'll Be In Charge'
while the leader of the troop (evidently the author) vindicates Picasso with the roaring battle-cry 'THE URGE TO DESTROY IS ALSO A CREATIVE URGE'.
Beauty is in the eye of the eroder - for people like you. For people like me.
And every time you hear the word 'culture' there's an instamatic, polarioid moment as you suppress the urge to unclip the safety on an imaginary 9mm.
It's been said that more crimes are commited in the name of obedience than disobedience. It's those who follow authority blindly who are the real danger. Is this someone like you? You're on your own this time...
Marching with the mercenaries to deride and conquer or clocking the card for No.1 - we come to the stunning realisation that in this savage year of Our Lord 2006, that the quickest way to the top of your business - is to turn it up side down.
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
Post edited by Unknown User on
lights of truth away from my eyes. I'd love to take these blasted
things off, but they are fastened to my cabeza with the
disorganization of man.
The disorganization of man has been brought about by the knowledge of
both good and bad. We can live our life following the pattern of
what we have determined to be good, either by our life experience,
our belief in the Bible or simply what mom and dad told us, directly
by word of mouth, or indirectly by example and principle. We must
view our bodies as an empty container which has been filled with
Muddy Waters. Each act of goodness, be it in thought or action, will
pour in a portion of Everclear. The more good we do, the more we
dilute the bad. We can fill ourselves with clear water if we put
forth enough effort and self-control. But we are still feeling a
downward pull due to the disorganization of man, for we are part of
another container...Mankind, who, as a whole, is filling his vessel
with the waters of Megadeth. How can we defeat this seemingly
imposible dilemma?
How can we defeat this seemingly imposible dilemma: To be or not to
be? That is the question. My question. If I am to be, then the
pain will swim through my thoughts aloof. If I am not to be, then
the pain might swim through... Wait, what was the question?
Wait, what was the question? Oh, now I understand. I am not used to
seeing the adjective follow the noun. You've turned it around on
me. Can this be acceptable? Mrs. Jackson never taught me to do it
that way when she was filling my head with sentence charts, something
I never thought I'd actually put into use.
Something I never thought I'd actually put into use is my cancer
curing machine I got off of EBay. Sure, I have the cure for cancer
in a box in my basement, but no one wants to hear about it. So I
hook it up to my television. Now when King George addresses the
union, my room lights up with white light. Where was I going with
this? Oh yeah...
[thread=216741]Here is a new thread you might get into! "ABsolutes Within Theories"[/thread]