concert shirt, help!

ok so heres the thing. my older sister had went to a pearl jam concert a looooong time ago, and bought a tshirt there. bout 5-7 years ago, i accidentally ruined it(bleach is no fun). she was super uber pissed, it was one of her favorites. well my sisters getting married now and moving a few states away from me, so as kind of a parting gift i wanted to replace the shirt i ruined so many moons ago. it was very dark, either a dark dark blue/purple or an 'off-black'. it had an octopus on the front in the center, kind of a pale tan color. if u can just tell me wut concert that was so i can find one on ebay or something, that wud be great. or even better, if u have it ill buy it off u for a PRETTY penny. please, any help wud be great. u can email me at thanks a ton in advance everyone.