poets society (wanted dead or alive) Into the void we travel

The cercopes
For once the father of the gods, thoroughly disgusted
by the deceitful, bible-banging Cercopes,
and their murderous ways, wanted to change them
into screeching monkeys, but hesitated,
grew uncertain, considered jackals instead,
clucking hens, thinking perhaps a greasy rat
on the kitchen wall would suit the loudmouths better,
In fact: going from A to Z in the Bestiary
without finding a single species to even approximate
the thieving sneaks with their lying tongues,
not even among the shithouse flies and graveyard worms
who are far more truthful and noble,
Make no mistake, in their conduct and in their grit.
-Charles Simic-
For once the father of the gods, thoroughly disgusted
by the deceitful, bible-banging Cercopes,
and their murderous ways, wanted to change them
into screeching monkeys, but hesitated,
grew uncertain, considered jackals instead,
clucking hens, thinking perhaps a greasy rat
on the kitchen wall would suit the loudmouths better,
In fact: going from A to Z in the Bestiary
without finding a single species to even approximate
the thieving sneaks with their lying tongues,
not even among the shithouse flies and graveyard worms
who are far more truthful and noble,
Make no mistake, in their conduct and in their grit.
-Charles Simic-
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Post edited by Unknown User on
I've walked for miles, and all I saw was night.
The reflection of my insight, in my dreams and in my needs.
I've walked for miles, but got no further.
How long will I be walking,
on this twisted path of mine,
witch has got me heading nowhere,
no direction off some kind.
All I own is my confusion,
witch has let me to this stray,
and these miles have got me nowhere,
I so long to lose this weight.
I've walked for miles, and all I saw was night.
The reflection of my insight.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
In the garden of my mind,
you stroll loose like a lingering thought.
Roam the room where I reel,
pushed me over as if you are God.
But you're not!
No you're not!
Though you want me to believe.
At the hands off the image you up hold
you'll end up as a blinded fool.
So divine in your leis, but the truth;
a dowdy jacket for your soul.
You aren't God!
No you're not!
Though you want me to believe.
-Darren- 4-9-'99
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
In this smokers lounge where the air wraps itself in exhailed smoke,
And the admosphere is best defined in words of a drunk or a dead poets soul,
for whom the itch is father of the thought.
There's a tumult and a nervousness, caused by the soft smouldering fire that holds everyone who honours this eve with his presence.
The wait continous and poaches up the allready broiling desire. The tence yearning and the unpatiened mumbling increases of intensity.
Meanwhile the glasses ring and the expactations grow by every word that
is spoken.
How long before the tention finds it's way out into a shamelessly giving yourself to the trip, a refined mystery of woven madness and majestic grace.
Originally a poam in dutch.
translated by Darren.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Ooooo, I love this one, karma defect!
Thanks for reading it and taking the time to reply,
Glade to be of service, the smile looks good on you.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
While she dances in the red of evening glamour,
softly fading towards a fragile end,
you cover your face to hide what was already hard to see.
No diamond drops, no fear, no sun to share.
The mystic grey that bonds black to white fades rapidly.
Prepare for the clash, no subtlety or nuance.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
I've made up my mind; I have't desided
Can't tell you no more then what is written right here.
Wow it's loud,
comes as a packges deal.
Side by side,
line dancing
without movement.
Stunning, accumelating.
And you know what?
There's live on the other side.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Oh the sweet human soul capable of such
kindness. Why won’t you prevail?
Those away that hunger for power,
the bloodlust,
Restrain on ambition.
Bury your blades and your muskets.
Carry the world off these fields.
I weep for the loss and the reign of terror.
I weep for humanity done wrong by this error.
Look at this sight!
And behold our own doing.
and we stand and hail.
Oh sweet human soul; prevail!
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
I've made up my mind; I have't desided
Can't tell you no more then what is written right here.
Wow it's loud,
comes as a packges deal.
Side by side,
line dancing
without movement.
Stunning, accumelating.
And you know what?
There's live on the other side.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Dear mam & dad
I'm doing fine,
if you were wondering at all.
Here midst the flying bullets,
alone, but free from you,
I am feeding of my Gall.
I had to run through desert
and through civil war.
One has to belong to a tribe
to be protected.
Guess that if I die it won't
matter any more.
Sleeping on the street.
Until they clear all this red-tape
Meanwhile there are hugs and kisses,
but I suppose some call it rape.
I thank you mam and daddy,
for this trip to the country
from witch I originate.
Somehow I was surprised though;
You know the way you left me in
hell's ticket-tape parade.
Well I have to go now,
I'm about to cross the border.
Bit by bit I'm moving further.
I'll see you later mam and dad,
in your dreams to commit your murder.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Mitch Hedberg- RIP 1968-2005. your jokes have laughed me through a lot. I thank you.
Woooow dude/dudette
flattery will get you nowhere.
No seriously thank you very much you made me blush. I was smiling from ear to ear. that's a really big compliment you pay my.
Especially cause I think rhythm is one of the most important elements in poetry.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
I must place one of my new ones sometime soon.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»