Shades of Moonlight...

Mystique420Mystique420 Posts: 338
edited April 2006 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
I dream of you in color, shades of moonlight and autumn roses,
while the summer-sea tints those kiss-me-sweetly eyes.

Your lips, your touch, your laugh, your smile,
these things once ordinary now cast in hues of gold,
shimmer on my mind's canvas in pigments that beguile,
and send my pulse fluttering with fantasies untold.

In your kiss, I find verdant hints of springtime,
and in your arms I feel the warmth of a red-gold sun,
your laughter flows through me, unerringly sublime,
and the sweet thrill your smile brings cannot be undone.

As the musician spins magic into reality as he composes,
so my thoughts enchant what, in love, my heart espies.
"To live,.... love,..... there's a song to be sung,....
'cause we may not be the Young Ones,..."

--first u sow the seed-- nature grows the seed-- then we eat the seed-- ;) nah,... we smoke it!
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