Outside Looking In...

Mystique420Mystique420 Posts: 338
edited April 2006 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
A smile on her face
with a distant picture I want to see
please laugh again or just turn up
the corners of your mouth for me
Why can't the corners of her mouth turn up
in exchange for ever tear
my pillow burns up
Had the funniest laugh
now an expression for her to cry
you got everything you wanted
in exchange for her wondering eye
Knows what she wants to say
but the words only visioned within her mind
all the pain brought forth
you'd never think people exist of that kind
Trying so hard to speak
while her body trembles helplessly
not only staying strong for her
but I'm staying strong for me
trying hard to let me know
I don't need to be so stressed
The motion of her quivering hand
the sadness behind her eyes
all i think is "It will get better"
but my long walk home I cry
Remembering the face of a woman
with the animosity just as I
Is weak but strong before me
no letting her happy spirit get by
A smile on her face
with a distant picture I want to see
Please laugh again or just turn up
the corners of your mouth for me.
"To live,.... love,..... there's a song to be sung,....
'cause we may not be the Young Ones,..."

--first u sow the seed-- nature grows the seed-- then we eat the seed-- ;) nah,... we smoke it!
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