She bleeds...

Mystique420Mystique420 Posts: 338
edited April 2006 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
Afraid of what might happen,
A friend hurts,
A friend bleeds,
She cries for help,
But won't admit it,
Not afriad of death,
Hold on hun,
Please don't do this to yourself,
It's not worth your life,
But won't say a word,
Keeps everything locked up inside,
Where noone can find,
No longer alive inside,
But not yet dead,
A tear falls,
Her mouth moves,
but still no sound,
She turns away,
She is fading away,
Buriing herself within these walls,
Not able to excape,
She is lost in the darkness,
Loosing herself,
If nothing is done,
She will be lost forever,
Where no one can find her,
Missed dearly,
And always loved.
"To live,.... love,..... there's a song to be sung,....
'cause we may not be the Young Ones,..."

--first u sow the seed-- nature grows the seed-- then we eat the seed-- ;) nah,... we smoke it!
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