a poem for your enjoyment, but don't read it.

"plot spoiler--it's gonna suck ass"
a poem by: lz
it's almost eight in the morning now--
damn this board's addicting--
stayed up all night reading and posting--
watching the weather happen--
so excuse the real bad "poetry"--
quit reading i implore you--
these words they are but ramblings--
my intention's not to bore you--
still reading are you?--
even when i asked you to quit--
really, it's all just ramblings--
you must be one bored son-of-a-bitch--
quit laughing damn it--
ha-ha that was funny--
wish it wasn't cloudy this morning--
wishlist it was sunny--
nope, not done yet--
i'll keep typing nonsense and stuff--
'cause somewhere, someone's gonna read it--
and be all like 'what the kcuf?'--
'this post is all stupid'--
'why did someone write it, damn!'--
i'll tell you why kid--
green eggs and ham--
you should have stopped reading by now--
you should have stopped reading and how!--
should have quit when you were told--
should have quit when you weren't as old--
shouldn't still be reading it even now--
shouldn't be reading it with a cow--
look at all the views it will get--
with hopefully no replies--
no one should have read all this--
no one should have a cloudy sunrise--
shit, it's now 8:45--
shit, someone is Still reading this--
ha ha ha you lazy bastard--
ace frehley played guitar for kiss--
ok that's it, i'm done laughing--
at all who might ever read it--
i wasted your time by wasting mine too--
michael jackson sang 'beat it'--
a poem by: lz
it's almost eight in the morning now--
damn this board's addicting--
stayed up all night reading and posting--
watching the weather happen--
so excuse the real bad "poetry"--
quit reading i implore you--
these words they are but ramblings--
my intention's not to bore you--
still reading are you?--
even when i asked you to quit--
really, it's all just ramblings--
you must be one bored son-of-a-bitch--
quit laughing damn it--
ha-ha that was funny--
wish it wasn't cloudy this morning--
wishlist it was sunny--
nope, not done yet--
i'll keep typing nonsense and stuff--
'cause somewhere, someone's gonna read it--
and be all like 'what the kcuf?'--
'this post is all stupid'--
'why did someone write it, damn!'--
i'll tell you why kid--
green eggs and ham--
you should have stopped reading by now--
you should have stopped reading and how!--
should have quit when you were told--
should have quit when you weren't as old--
shouldn't still be reading it even now--
shouldn't be reading it with a cow--
look at all the views it will get--
with hopefully no replies--
no one should have read all this--
no one should have a cloudy sunrise--
shit, it's now 8:45--
shit, someone is Still reading this--
ha ha ha you lazy bastard--
ace frehley played guitar for kiss--
ok that's it, i'm done laughing--
at all who might ever read it--
i wasted your time by wasting mine too--
michael jackson sang 'beat it'--
The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever. Because this is just a ride." And we...kill those people. "Shut him up! I've got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok? But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.
--Bill Hicks
--Bill Hicks
Post edited by Unknown User on
that Last one to the End--
Here to waste your Time again--
(this one will have a better end)--
first let's Re-Cap that Last one--
boy was That a piece of shit--
i had a pain in my Ass just now--
just from re-Reading it--
all that Nonsense about Nothing--
(kind of like that Seinfeld show)--
just kept Telling you it was about Nothing--
but you Just Couldn't Not Know--
well here's another one for ya--
i'll write it if you'll Read it--
and i hearby Promise it won't End with--
'michael jackson sang beat it'--
so If you're up To it--
Follow the Bouncing Ball--
(or some Other shit, I dont know)--
However you read along--
again, be warned, to Some it could Seem--
these Words could Waste your Time--
again, be warned, they're absolutely right--
you're wasting time just Reading this Line--
so Stay with me if ya Wanna--
see how it's gonna develop--
will it make you fall asleep?--
or make you get the Hell up!--
(laughing as i wrote that last line)--
give me a few secs--
sorry, back now, 'you had to be here'--
imagine 'get the Hell up in angry-wrestler voice)--
ok Back to the Matter at Hand--
still Wondering what it's about?--
well wonder no more my friends--
in the end you'll Have no doubt--
it's about a ferret named Ferret--
(what are the odds?)--
lanky and furry and stinky--
owned by a couple of mods--
they loved the scene 'Soooo Much', they did--
Being in the IT--
and part of (what was part of) IT right now--
was owning a Cute ferr Et--
(poetic license and all dontchu know--
got away with that one)--
Anyways-- it's about this Ferret--
(hate it when i ramble on)--
ferret liked to Be--
what other Choice did he Have--
he was just a ferret you know--
not like Us and the choices We have--
and that's the story about ferret--
the ferret who Just liked to Be--
(and i'll bet he's a pretty Happy ferret--
you know, if you asked Me)--
'Well What Did The Ferret Dooooo??'--
'Yeah, What's The Story aBoooouuuuut?'--
it's about a ferret, i said--
who liked to Be. (please don't shout)--
anything other than That, Well, that's just details--
to be imagined by another--
perceived by some in One-way--
Different by some Others--
what do YOU think happened to the ferret--
what does Your ferret do?--
fuck what some Other person says--
(maybe Your ferret eats it's poo)--
on that note, ok--
8 shy jake, eh?--
all words rhyme with fonzies 'ayyyyyy'--
who knows; who am i to sayyyyyy--
i'm just typing awayyyyyy--
your just reading awayyyyyy--
jump in the hayyyyyy--
shoud you stayyyyyy?--
run run awayyyyyy?--
march april mayyyyyy--
yesterdayyyyyy is tommorows todayyyyyy--
(or something, i don't know-- that was gayyyyyy)--
now, don't take it that wayyyyyy--
it's a good word, and it rhymed, kay? kayyyyyy.--
streamofconsciousness playyyyyy--
longest post of the dayyyyyy?--
apple starts with 'aaaaaa'--
bored, gonna quit now, okaaaaaay?--
made it through another one, huh?--
another waste of time?--
or maybe your reading this one First--
no matter, that's fine--
just as well, they're Both a piece of Shit--
why'd i even Write 'em--
oh right- so you'd Read-em, That's why--
and Not Tell Anyone you like 'em--
guilty pleasure? maybe...--
it's all just the same--
i wrote it, you're reading it--
lame, lame, Lame, Lame, Lame--
thanks again for Choosing to read my words--
(even though they sound retarded)--
what else can i say but--
i warned you when you started--
told you i would waste your time--
and that i think i've done--
oh yeah, the better ending--
ok, let's have some Fun--
this is the end.
--Bill Hicks