Pull The Plug

Do the dirty deed already and pull the plug you fool. Quit assimilating and start creating your own reality.
Is reality a function of my environment, past experiences, and acquaintances? Is it arranged into a tidy little boring story before I even existed? If so, by whom? Do I have a full locus of control in the sequences that shape my life?
The truth is nobody can definitively answer these questions. Or can they? What if you suddenly decided, “fuck it all, I’m going to Costa Rica to live in the jungle and eat rats and grubs for nourishment and buy a boat and go on oceanic adventures.” Wouldn’t that mean that I created my own existence, that it is not predestined, that I am not being ruled by my creator or my own laziness?
No it doesn’t mean any of those things. It just means that I decided to stop assimilating to the norms of society and that those events just as easily could have been predestined. On the bright side, it most definitely would require courage and toughness to pull off such a decision. It would lead to a different path than the one I am currently walking on. It would probably lead to more happiness, at least temporarily until I get bored or killed in the jungle. Death might just be part of the journey, and I would be okay with that.
Stay the course. Stay safe. Stay bored.
Do something dangerous. Do something worth remembering. Do it with conviction.
Right now you are going with option one. When will you pull the plug?
Is reality a function of my environment, past experiences, and acquaintances? Is it arranged into a tidy little boring story before I even existed? If so, by whom? Do I have a full locus of control in the sequences that shape my life?
The truth is nobody can definitively answer these questions. Or can they? What if you suddenly decided, “fuck it all, I’m going to Costa Rica to live in the jungle and eat rats and grubs for nourishment and buy a boat and go on oceanic adventures.” Wouldn’t that mean that I created my own existence, that it is not predestined, that I am not being ruled by my creator or my own laziness?
No it doesn’t mean any of those things. It just means that I decided to stop assimilating to the norms of society and that those events just as easily could have been predestined. On the bright side, it most definitely would require courage and toughness to pull off such a decision. It would lead to a different path than the one I am currently walking on. It would probably lead to more happiness, at least temporarily until I get bored or killed in the jungle. Death might just be part of the journey, and I would be okay with that.
Stay the course. Stay safe. Stay bored.
Do something dangerous. Do something worth remembering. Do it with conviction.
Right now you are going with option one. When will you pull the plug?
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.