Withholding her Love: Forty-one Experiences

bluejourneymanbluejourneyman Posts: 421
Beautiful flowers in a lush garden
A child screaming with delight
A brown dog chasing a pretty yellow butterfly
By the tranquil house in the backdrop
There is where Rockwell shines his best

Dreams eyes opened wide
Punched in the guts, all the air escapes me
Snapped into a different world
Where has her love ever been

Day dreams of a soft, peaceful love
Never really able to trust
I gave her my all (heart and soul)
It just wasn’t enough
Can't you see that there's light in the dark.
Nothing's quite what it seems in the city of dreams.
Grand Rapids 2006
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Holey GhostHoley Ghost Posts: 744
    sad, but nice BlueJourneyMan!
    Create Good Things........
    Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
  • afanafan Posts: 59
    I agree with Holey Ghost.
  • :)
    Can't you see that there's light in the dark.
    Nothing's quite what it seems in the city of dreams.
    Grand Rapids 2006
  • upinsmokeupinsmoke Posts: 10
    idig it
  • Yes, it IS sad but good! :) I felt the punch to the guts--OUCH!
    Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
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