small wonders

twin1twin1 Posts: 902
The waves beat upon the shore,
toes curled in the sand,
the sun sets in the distance,
rays reflect on the water, as the tide rolls in,

There she dances against the water's edge,
and sings to the unsuspecting inhabitants,
her white dress swaying,
eyes sparkling with delight and bursts of laughter,

Such innocence and a mind untouched with troubles,
these are the small miracles that produce such wonder,
why am I blessed to see it,
why do I get to hold her small hand in mine,

Without great tradegy and terrible troubles,
I might not notice,
I might take it for granite,
but I don't, I know that moments are fleeting,

These seconds, this day is what I have,
nothing is erased,
none of the hard yesterday's or days to come,
but for now I can breath...
and live in this moment,

I feel nothing but peace and love and a very grateful heart...
Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
After you know how to LIVE!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • depopulationINCdepopulationINC Posts: 2,074
    very descriptive imagery....nice
    The only thing I enjoy is having no feelings....being numb rocks!

    And I won't make the same mistakes
    (Because I know)
    Because I know how much time that wastes
    (And function)
    Function is the key
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    This one nearly brought a tear to my eye. I guess the being emotional while pregnant thing is starting to kick in :)
  • twin1twin1 Posts: 902
    Thanx depop & pacifier...yeah, your hormones can do a real number on you while pregnant. In the last trimester I cried walking to the mailbox and there was no mail in it, was kind of a hike. Than I thought, "o.k., you have completely lost it, what a dumb reason to cry"...regarding the poem - you will know what I mean one day when you are holding that baby and watching them grow. When you actually experience it. It will amaze you the depth of love you will feel for that little person. :)
    Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
    No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
    After you know how to LIVE!
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