Last Christmas

It's Christmas time and I still
haven't heard from him...
All I know is that he enjoys drinking in front
of a fire in his boxers
on Christmas Eve
All I can think of is last
Christmas when the
two of us were under that
me in in nothing but a Santa's hat
and his boxers
The night was lovely...
the sex was amazing...
it was actually the first time
we made love
I don't know what happened,
but making love wasn't his style
Shortly there after, he left...emmotionally....
I can only hang out for sex and no love
in this time of my life for...
about two months
I need more
I need someone who is funny,
loves me for who I am...warts
and all-
money is not a necessity
we were equal financially...
but love can be difficult-
I only showed what I wanted him
to know at first
which was my first mistake, but
if you happen to be lucky
enough to fall in love
what I have learned is that
you give your whole self,
your soul,
your core-
the being you were meant to be
to those of you fortunate
enough to have someone to hold onto
all I can say is
blessed are the ones in love...
it is the strongest power
on this planet
Merry Christmas~
haven't heard from him...
All I know is that he enjoys drinking in front
of a fire in his boxers
on Christmas Eve
All I can think of is last
Christmas when the
two of us were under that
me in in nothing but a Santa's hat
and his boxers
The night was lovely...
the sex was amazing...
it was actually the first time
we made love
I don't know what happened,
but making love wasn't his style
Shortly there after, he left...emmotionally....
I can only hang out for sex and no love
in this time of my life for...
about two months
I need more
I need someone who is funny,
loves me for who I am...warts
and all-
money is not a necessity
we were equal financially...
but love can be difficult-
I only showed what I wanted him
to know at first
which was my first mistake, but
if you happen to be lucky
enough to fall in love
what I have learned is that
you give your whole self,
your soul,
your core-
the being you were meant to be
to those of you fortunate
enough to have someone to hold onto
all I can say is
blessed are the ones in love...
it is the strongest power
on this planet
Merry Christmas~
love is free