Global Protest Against Poverty

What's up world...

As we all ready ourselves for another Live Aid, many of us refuse to shake the memory of the first. And while our voices are great, and our hearts pure... we can't help but think, there's more to do.

On June 26th thru the 30 I invite the world to see another side, by uniting as one in a global hunger strike, to coincide with this monumental event.

As it stands, no one's bite on the idea of opening up a site to gather... so I've created a Journal, for us all to come together.

You can find it here...

So sign up... comment... spread the world... and get the message out there.

If all of us send this letter to 10 others, and they do the same, and so forth... a movement slowly forms.

If you have a website... link us. A radio show... plug us. A paper... fill them in.

In closing, the letter below is one I sent out in hopes of securing space. I include it here for you to think about.

So come on people... let's Starve For a Change!

Thanks and peace,
Ryan Twisdale

To Whom It May Concern:

On July 2nd, the world will once again come together to fight hunger for
Live 8! In doing so, many mouths will lend their collective voice to the
perils of poverty, and warm their hearts to a dying country.

As many of us begin to ask ourselves if there’s more that we can do, I find
myself no different then the next. My mind remains stuck on the images of a
ravenous nation; my thoughts unable to shake the unfathomable loss of life.

So from June 26th through the 30th, I am asking the world to finally grasp
it‘s gluttony, and step into the shoes of the starving, making the face of
hunger their own. In doing so, we unite the world, and coincide a global
hunger strike with a glorious event.

Sadly, I lack the know-how, location or means to create such a website, an
informal petition to rally the masses against food for five days.

I am in no way asking for money or endorsements, just a simple, graphic-free
web space to enter your name, location and your word to starve for change.
We could link such a gathering of names to the Live 8 site and it’s bands,
and watch as a million or more swear off the one thing most of us take for
granted. Even if only a hundred people give their word, their solemn oaths
to feel this epidemic, we’ve sent a special message to the world.

If you are able to help, I can be reached at I
have a small group of friends behind me, ready to spread the word, because
sometimes the smallest voice, leads to the loudest screams.

Ryan Twisdale
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • I suppose a chain mail letter can be a form of art if you hang it in a gallery.
  • pearlmuttpearlmutt Posts: 392
    i want just a smile
    that's all I want
    that's a lie
    like a dog
    in a temple
    on strike
    from hunger.
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