Not Again

Into the night I run
darkness over head
tree branches whipping my legs
nails clawing mossy bark
feet bear, over wet stone
in my hands I guard my heart
Here you are once again
wanting another start
My mind is wild,
with screams I must smother
Holding the fact, the love I have for you
I could never share with another
I see you
and feel you, calling me
I stager forward
trying to break free
Tears stream down
strands of hair grab my face
eyes are stinging
a part is missing, only you can replace
I know something so good
can easily turn bad
Knowing there's darkness in your light
I must continue to fight this fright
It's hard to say "no" to you
but I must not cave in
Please forgive me
but I don't want to hurt again
darkness over head
tree branches whipping my legs
nails clawing mossy bark
feet bear, over wet stone
in my hands I guard my heart
Here you are once again
wanting another start
My mind is wild,
with screams I must smother
Holding the fact, the love I have for you
I could never share with another
I see you
and feel you, calling me
I stager forward
trying to break free
Tears stream down
strands of hair grab my face
eyes are stinging
a part is missing, only you can replace
I know something so good
can easily turn bad
Knowing there's darkness in your light
I must continue to fight this fright
It's hard to say "no" to you
but I must not cave in
Please forgive me
but I don't want to hurt again
If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.