The Gap

Just because I failed you
Doesn't stop what I would do
To keep you from your fate.
And even though your smiles gone
I've stuck with you all along
Through thick and thin and words that hurt
And even things I've left unheard.
We grow up and we grow apart,
Things end differently from how they start.
I change but I'm still the same,
Just not the same man behind the name.
The harder I try, the further you seem,
I can't keep you close to me.
I gave up everything and I gave up more,
So now I lay awake on the floor
Alone, awake, alive, a lie.
Doesn't stop what I would do
To keep you from your fate.
And even though your smiles gone
I've stuck with you all along
Through thick and thin and words that hurt
And even things I've left unheard.
We grow up and we grow apart,
Things end differently from how they start.
I change but I'm still the same,
Just not the same man behind the name.
The harder I try, the further you seem,
I can't keep you close to me.
I gave up everything and I gave up more,
So now I lay awake on the floor
Alone, awake, alive, a lie.
I shouldn't have to fight a battle I'll never win, just to lose those I've never had.