
What a relief it must be
To have some
When everything’s broken
Its’ life’s superglue
The tragedy is taken
Embraced even
For it was a test
Already written
Glory, glory on high
For the believer has passed
Living not for today
But for a reward far away
They say it takes
Great strength
I feel the other way
For it’s frightening
When you have none.
Faith is a blind, an ignorant fear.
To have some
When everything’s broken
Its’ life’s superglue
The tragedy is taken
Embraced even
For it was a test
Already written
Glory, glory on high
For the believer has passed
Living not for today
But for a reward far away
They say it takes
Great strength
I feel the other way
For it’s frightening
When you have none.
Faith is a blind, an ignorant fear.
I am a nothing dreaming of something unknown.
Post edited by lobb152 on
This made me sad and I do understand about feeling afraid with no faith. Even believers have doubts and periods where they question things and just aren't feeling hopeful. I have had my struggles and periods with God where I was very angry at him and turned the other way. I didn't want to hear what he had to say. It seemed more useful to bang my head against a wall than believe. Fortunately even a little spark can be all it takes sometimes. Faith can be a rock if you let it. Sometimes it is the right word at the right moment or a friend's genuine love that helps, even just simple kindness.
This made me think of when I was renewing my faith and I was terrified. I thought, haven't I suffered enough, I am supposed to have faith in you when you allow such awful things to happen so much and I am supposed to turn to you to help me when you could have stopped it? So now I am supposed to accept you so you can let more bad stuff happen all for your name and glory? What kind of love is that exactly? You are just mean and I don't understand you. You must hate me. Is that how you get your kicks, watching people suffer and using them as pawns for a stupid game for your fun? If I have to endure anymore pain I am going to jump off of a building, I just don't have the strength for anything more, I am tapped out.
The only thing I can say regarding faith is you give up fear and doubt and it gets replaced so your thinking changes in a good way. You are still human and still hurt like everyone else but you get more answers and more peace. It doesn't necessarily make your circumstances change or any easier but it makes you deal with them a different way, it changes you and how you handle it. Your mind and heart become more open.
No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
After you die...you know how to LIVE!
and there's nothing wrong with feeling tranquil
but i'm hard-headed, and prefer to deal with suffering
without painkillers or tranquilizers... most of the time
sometimes life is just too fucking hard to do it without god
or some notion that SOMETHING out there has my back
and I start seeing miracles in the color of my shorts
...everything's a f'n miracle...
"it is these times when i carried you..." or, alternatively... "it is these times when you are clinically schitzophrenic"
I certainly don't mean or think that people who believe in god are wrong for doing so. I have faith in faith and it's ability to steer people in whichever direction IT steers. (JIHAD!!!) But I also sincerely believe that anything with enough integrity to be a "god" wouldn't fuck with the masses by providing only feeble threads of truth, refutable by the most common sense approach.
Einstein looked for God in math. I think he's right, and I think there's a God out there... but I don't think any of us has a clue to what it really is ~ we aren't smart enough yet