
Every criticism that comes from the lips is but a projection of self
The mind paints problems upon the external so that the inside may survive
One has found the hypocrite within. Now how to deal with such an identity
Vary carefully I would say.
It’s all lies and he is laughing at and with you
Too much and you will not defend him. Too little and he will be forgotten
Self indulgence sitting upon legs of false morality, preached but not practiced
Man is a self-loathing creature, an infinite regression of lies
Say no to everything
Every label, every subject, category, box and place
Still though he will be with you, like your shadow on the inside
Call him a coward for hiding but its only you hating you.
The mind paints problems upon the external so that the inside may survive
One has found the hypocrite within. Now how to deal with such an identity
Vary carefully I would say.
It’s all lies and he is laughing at and with you
Too much and you will not defend him. Too little and he will be forgotten
Self indulgence sitting upon legs of false morality, preached but not practiced
Man is a self-loathing creature, an infinite regression of lies
Say no to everything
Every label, every subject, category, box and place
Still though he will be with you, like your shadow on the inside
Call him a coward for hiding but its only you hating you.
I am a nothing dreaming of something unknown.
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