"The Man Who Refused to Die"

Born of this experience, dust and hope collide. Dreams were born, but were told they must fade with the light. Weighting heavily, he dropped them and walked away. Within the routine he lost them, and many years did stray. The rut started to resemble a tomb. Looking back at life, he noticed they were not lost but had taken root. A sorrow overtook him, he would not witness the bloom. Despair made the tears flow, his time was almost through. The waters cradled him and he felt released. When he opened his eyes, the sun and moon were gazing back. Without a word he had found his way out. The man who refused to die clutched onto the twilight. In the dusk you can see his sacrifice, outlined with sweat, reaping dreams.
I am a nothing dreaming of something unknown.
Post edited by lobb152 on
"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"
VERY well done!
Sammi: Wanna just break up?