A Long Thought (if you read tell me what you think)

The problem with human being is that we tend only to think in a linear fashion. We cannot handle the possibility that something is and isn’t at the same time. It is these paradox(s) that perhaps shaped, created, and controls this experience we find ourselves in. Whether or not we are involved in the cyclic nature of the experience is up for debate or that nature is cyclic. Really, who knows? Perhaps the reason we think in such linear fashion is that perhaps it is our true nature. We live and then we are simply no more, start to finish. Or perhaps our linear thinking and constant need to categorize is just our way of coping with this experience. Again in this case, the extent to which human being is involved with this experience after death cannot be known. I still believe in the collective unconscious, or would really like to. I imagine this being a database of consciousness. I still feel that there are at least two entities within the human being. One of consciousness and the other unconsciousness. I use to think that both are here in the present with me. Upon death this consciousness becomes the memory of the unconscious and the unconscious becomes our new “now.” We would be pure experience, pure context. However, maybe we are already a part of the collective unconscious. Perhaps upon death we do not make a journey back to the collective for we have always been apart of it. Maybe our unconsciousness has always been apart of the collective. Perhaps a shift of consciousness does not occur or at least not in the way I first envisioned. As we are in this waking life we don’t have a lot of awareness of the unconscious. We can catch glimpses of it through déjà vu and dreams. Upon death this unconscious that we only see glimpses of becomes the truth. With death we become less aware of the waking life we had. Perhaps we too catch glimpses of the former in death. Of course this is all nonsense. It is just my expectation for what is beyond. In absolute truth, deep, deep down within me I feel that there is nothing beyond this life. This life however it was given or created is the only experience we have. With as much conviction that a person of faith has that there is a god and an afterlife, I just feel that it is a hope. It is just a hope a projection of the wishes of a mortal being. And I could still be wrong but so too could the people of faith. Traditional views of god I feel are incorrect and just show how absorbed we are with ourselves. If there is some higher power it is going to be like nothing we have or could have EVER imagined. And that doesn’t mean it likes us nor has special places for us. Given how I feel about death and afterlife I think it is really, really important that we live for today. This is why I don’t like religion. It says that this life is nothing more than a test and if you pass then afterlife awaits. Religion strips away the importance of this experience by making one focus on the afterlife. Within this life it is important to understand as much as possible one’s self. The process of self-actualization (enlightenment) is also a paradox I think. To do this you must disconnect to see the truth of your various selves. Knowing that simply just knowing the characteristics of the individual selves is not enough to gain revelation on the true nature of the whole. The whole is not a summation of parts or an interaction among different selves. It is something radically unique. Thinking of oneself as just a summation or an interaction of individuals is very rigid. It not only limits but it diminishes creativity and free choice. To think of oneself as a purely organic organism is too limit your self to that construct and that destination. You are bound to die as that is what all organic organisms, as far as my knowledge, do as well. Thinking of you in this and only this way or type of way is merely an illusion, an expectation. Death or more correctly “nothing” is the only destination when traveling upon such a road. One must disconnect to the see the whole. But what of expectation? Expectation is a very interesting thing, because of the possibility. Through expectation perhaps we can avoid death, however, not in the physical sense. Just as we can day dream and escape this waking life perhaps we can do the same just before the body dies. Given an infinite body of water (universe, existence) we are all causing ripples. Every action, thought, emotion, and interaction creates a ripple. Now people think that upon death no more ripples are made. Just as matter and energy cannot be destroyed (as we understand it) perhaps a thought, a hope, an expectation can be made before physical death that is also impervious to destruction. We psychologically contain our context (soul, essence, whole) and project it out across the water. It would create a ripple. Just as ripples in a pond continue on and on we would also continue to ripple along in this experience (without the body of course). Perhaps this is what afterlife is, it is what you expect it to be. If a cow could talk and you asked him what his gods looked like I bet he would say like a cow. If asked what heaven is like the cow might reply that it is a perfect green pasture. So for the faithful (no specific religion) then they have their place in the clouds. This is where they project themselves upon death. To the atheist then there would be nothing. What of the agnostic? How about a place in the middle of some limbo dimension. Who knows but it is interesting to think about.
I am a nothing dreaming of something unknown.
Post edited by Unknown User on
as far as your post you could probably turn that into a few albums just by freestylin off of it
secondly i am reminded daily that a higher power exsists just by the random reading of my mind by the great one
for all my whining and crying over never being good enough for my religion i am also reminded of the great love of god by the fact that i still have faith hope and love and im still alive albeit somewhat in fear of the future
great writing.
dreamer in my dream
we got the guns
i love you,but im..............callin out.........callin out
So I did today, to the randomly chosen page 155, and saw this about the collective subconscious....
thought it strange that the other night I did the same thing, I think in all encompassing trip,and saw a post about synchronicity, which is interconnected to what you''re saying here..
I googled more about synrchronicity (the uncoincidence, or incoincidence, i think it was called) and learned that synchronicity can be scientifically proven (that is, coincidences that are so rare and strange are actually so very common that they scientifically cannot be just coincidences :wtf:) I know.
So, were these pages that I picked to look back on random? Weird, huh?
A while ago I was reading a book that said that we should pay attention to co-incidences because they are only there to call our attention to something!
So, since then I've been noticing which activities get the odd co-incidence and which ones don't. I've been thinking that people could perhaps make a habit of following the trail of helpful co-incidences and unhelpful ones when making decisions. :geek: