Bowl Stash II

I love to smoke it... but I hate when it is gone
When I first load the chamber with fresh green
I think of a day in future not yet seen
A month has gone by now time to open the pipe
I'm smiling as I know my stash is no doubt ripe
Sticky brown texture and strong resin smell
the bowl is overly full sure to treat me well
The way it crackles and pops as it is burnt by the flame
the buzz it produces nothing is quite the same
I exhale the smoke a thick white cloud
cough a little then I think out loud
"I need to plan for days down the road"
so again the stash chamber I will load
When I first load the chamber with fresh green
I think of a day in future not yet seen
A month has gone by now time to open the pipe
I'm smiling as I know my stash is no doubt ripe
Sticky brown texture and strong resin smell
the bowl is overly full sure to treat me well
The way it crackles and pops as it is burnt by the flame
the buzz it produces nothing is quite the same
I exhale the smoke a thick white cloud
cough a little then I think out loud
"I need to plan for days down the road"
so again the stash chamber I will load
All above material copyrighted, 2013, Lukin639.
All rights reserved..most rights rights reserved...,2013.
All rights reserved..most rights rights reserved...,2013.
Post edited by Unknown User on
- Freewheelin' Frank
All rights reserved..most rights rights reserved...,2013.