Reflections of the Mind

reachdown12reachdown12 Posts: 693
edited December 2005 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
This passion held within
Is such an inference so deep
It proves to seem almost undeemable
To be believed as such a truth once told

The life form that one exists through
Is only a shell that mirrors the heart
And all it wants to give to those such desired others
till one can't determine which is a reflection or which is a real sincerity

As the passion for life and all it offers burns so extravagantly
There is an uncertainty in the world that weakens its light
And just when all of the pieces have come together so perfectly
They all fall in and crumble, leaving one just as lost and hapless as before

Yet, as all this occurs, does one ever question
Just how this had started and how it was left to be turmulating over and over again?
What were to happen if one just set free their hope and let it overcome the anxiety
For everyone has a guide of sorts to ease this into a comfortable reality

This reality that can cease all this confusion known into one
Whether by the inspiration of words or reassurance of a voice
And bring forth the passion and love for all eternity
But this would seem too perfect for reality; one might believe it fantasy

Yet life has its beautifully twisted way of treatment
Giving one such a gorgeous reality explained
However that same one would have to work for so very long subconsciously
To be able to encounter such a destiny created

But when it comes to such a rewarding reality
It lets the incircumferenced light shine through
And the beauty of its passion left unbridled
As its timeless serenity sets forth
And crosses that mystical barrier of ones reality and fantasy
It proves to leave a truly incomprehensible mind
Wallowing in its many depths reflected in the passion of another
"Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, but I'd rather be your moon so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun's not around."
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • twin2twin2 Posts: 894
    That was really cool. I really liked that one.
  • "To be able to encounter such a destiny created"

    very nice, reachdown
    ... please keep 'em flowing....~

    "Forgive every being,
    the bad feelings 
    it's just me"

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